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English-German translation for: dying
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Dictionary English German: dying

Translation 1 - 50 of 107  >>

English German
ADJ   dying | - | -
NOUN1   a dying [death] | dyings
NOUN2   dying [process] | -
NOUN3   - | the dying [persons]
VERB  to die | died | died
dying | dies
SYNO   anxious | dying | death | demise
dying {adj} {pres-p}
dying {adj} [becoming extinct]
dying {adj} {pres-p} [animal]
dying {adj} [last]
dying {adj} {pres-p} [fire, embers]
dying {adj} {pres-p} [plant]
eingehend [sterbend]
med. dying {adj} [moribund]
dying {adj} {pres-p} [fire, embers, light, etc.]
erlöschend [Feuer, Glut, Licht etc.]
Sterben {n}
the dying3 die Sterbenden {pl}
2 Words: Others
dying awayausklingend
dying away [sound]verklingend
dying off {adj}absterbend
dying outaussterbend
I'm dying.Ich sterbe.
2 Words: Verbs
to be dyingim Sterben liegen
to be dying [coll.] [to be laughing really hard]sich totlachen [ugs.]
2 Words: Nouns
assisted dyingSterbehilfe {f}
dying artaussterbende Kunst {f}
dying bedSterbebett {n}
dying breathletzter Atemzug {m}
dying cindersverglimmende Kohle {f}
dying daySterbetag {m}
dying declarationErklärung {f} auf dem Sterbebett
dying embers {pl}verglimmende Kohle {f}
dying embers {pl}verlöschende Glut {f}
dying hourSterbestunde {f}
ling. dying languageaussterbende Sprache {f}
dying manSterbender {m}
med. dying patientsterbender Patient {m}
dying personSterbender {m}
dying person [female]Sterbende {f}
relig. dying prayerSterbegebet {n}
film theatre dying sceneSterbeszene {f}
dying speech [e.g. from a scaffold]letzte Rede {f} [z. B. eines Todeskandidaten]
jobs dying tradeaussterbender Beruf {m}
dying treeabsterbender Baum {m}
dying wishletzter Wunsch {m}
dying womanSterbende {f}
ecol. dying zoneAbsterbezone {f}
biol. mass dyingMassensterben {n}
sb.'s dying wordsjds. letzte Worte {pl}
3 Words: Others
Day is dying.Es wird langsam finster.
dying with thirst {adj} {pres-p} [postpos.]verdurstend
till one's dying {adv} [coll.]bis an sein Lebensende
3 Words: Verbs
to be dying for sth. [idiom]etw.Akk. unbedingt brauchen [dringend haben wollen]
to be dying for sth. [idiom]nach etw.Dat. lechzen [geh.]
3 Words: Nouns
relig. art of dying [ars moriendi]Sterbekunst {f}
ecol. dying forest syndromeWaldsterben {n}
dying in bedStrohtod {m}
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Q 2020-12-23: "Our ovaries are dying right now."
A 2019-07-31: You have me dying to see your new looks
Q 2019-07-31: dying my hair red
Q 2017-05-16: I'll make sure he's not dying
A 2017-04-24: Oder auch: Polen, die sich ins Sterben hineingesteigert haben ~ > Poles wo...
Q 2016-04-13: finish dying colour tone
Q 2016-03-19: spray dying
A 2015-12-16: I am dying to know ...... / agog with expectation ..... / eager to kn...
A 2013-10-25: The dying primrose doesn't work in English. :-)
A 2013-08-26: which is tantamount to dying a / the small death
Q 2013-06-06: dying by inches - im Sterben liegen?
Q 2013-06-06: dying by inches - im Sterben liegen?
Q 2011-11-16: Dying At The Hands Of
A 2011-06-14: Among the several dead and dying languages I know
A 2011-03-02: dying by degrees ?
A 2011-01-25: dying swan (ballet)
A 2010-09-27: Doctors are here, but people are dying on them right on the asphalt.
A 2010-08-05: "I'm dying from the heat!"
A 2010-08-05: colloquial for "I'm dying from heat"
Q 2010-07-14: Geht statt "dying" auch "dieing"...?

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