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English-German translation for: e l
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Dictionary English German: e l

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math. long exact sequence <LES, l.e.s.>lange exakte Sequenz {f}
acad. libr. publ. sine loco et anno {adj} <s.l.e.a.> [rare] [without place or year]sine loco et anno <s. l. e. a.> [veraltet] [selten] [ohne Ort und Jahr]
math. without loss of generality {adv} <w.l.o.g.>ohne Einschränkung der Allgemeinheit <o.E.d.A.>
film F L.I.E. [Michael Cuesta]L.I.E.Long Island Expressway
RadioTV F The Man from U.N.C.L.E.Solo für O.N.C.E.L. / Solo für U.N.C.L.E.
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A 2023-05-03: Sounds to me like the third definition listed in the OED, i.e. pornography.
A 2022-09-13: ... she was making change = she went to the loo?? (i.e. a coin-operate...
A 2019-12-18: Aussprache: entwerden / zweites E lang \ werden / erstes E lang!
A 2019-05-25: Fazit: *M i r i s t n i c h t m e h r z u h e l f e n (grins).*
Q 2019-05-18: DaWozuTa: *S c h o n e i n e k l e i n e g u t e Ta t m a c h t...
A 2019-04-27: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkzrSZKA4cM *S I B E L I U S*
A 2019-04-22: (21:14) Cadwal(l)adr: a Welsh first name as old as the 7th century, meanin...
Q 2019-04-09: M O R E P O W E R T O Y O U R E L B O W - Ich suche die genaue Be...
A 2019-02-15: Doch! Windfall (GB)! *V i e l e n D a n k !*
A 2019-01-17: *W e r k a n n m i r h e l f e n?*
A 2016-08-01: @Jackie L.
A 2016-05-13: "So e Lettegschwetz..."
A 2015-10-30: It looks like it's a lower case L and not a capital i, as I first thought.
Q 2015-09-16: nI (capital i) or nl (lower case L)
A 2015-06-18: +Anne around the World: L.M. Montgomery and Her Classic+ edited by Jane L...
A 2014-11-20: It's a computer representation of a hand-written lower-case l.
A 2014-11-19: Astoundingly, the abbreviation is 'l' (lowercase letter L)
A 2014-10-27: Agree with Lllama - UK websites suggest that in +a software+ the latter wo...
A 2014-10-13: Does depend on the context - could be literal, i.e. sth. you fry in the pa...
A 2012-09-10: By breaking things (i.e., smashing outdated concepts), they make lots of money.

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