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English-German translation for: earliest
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Dictionary English German: earliest

Translation 1 - 45 of 45

English German
ADJ   early | earlier | earliest
SYNO   earlier | earliest | earliest ... 
earliest {adj} [most ancient]
earliest {adv}
earliest {adj}
earliest {adj}
earliest {adj}erste [früheste]
2 Words: Others
earliest possible {adj}baldmöglichst
earliest possible {adj}ehestmöglich [österr.]
earliest possible {adj}frühestmöglich
earliest possible {adj}nächstmöglich
earliest possible {adj}zum baldmöglichsten Zeitpunkt [nachgestellt]
earliest possible {adj}so früh wie möglich
2 Words: Nouns
archaeo. hist. earliest evidenceältestes Zeugnis {n}
earliest opportunityallererste Gelegenheit {f}
3 Words: Others
at earliest convenience {adv}baldmöglichst
at the earliest {adv}ehestens
at the earliest {adv}frühestens
3 Words: Nouns
earliest completion timefrühestmögliche Fertigstellung {f}
earliest event timefrühester Termin {m} für ein Ereignis
earliest expected timefrühestmöglicher Zeitpunkt {m}
earliest finish timefrühester Endtermin {m}
acad. relig. early / earliest Church [ca 30 to 135 CE]Urkirche {f}
4 Words: Others
at the earliest opportunity {adv}bei erster Gelegenheit
at the earliest opportunity {adv}bei der nächstmöglichen Gelegenheit
at the very earliest {adv}allerfrühestens
at the very earliest {adv}so bald wie möglich
at your earliest convenience {adv}umgehend
at your earliest convenience {adv}sobald Sie können
at your earliest conveniencewann es dir am ehesten möglich ist
at your earliest convenience [business]sobald es Ihnen möglich ist
at your earliest opportunityfrühestmöglichst
from one's earliest years {adv} [of a person]von frühester Kindheit an
the earliest possible day {adv}am frühestmöglichen Tag
4 Words: Nouns
comm. earliest date for deliveryfrühester Liefertermin {m}
comm. earliest date of deliveryfrühestmöglicher Liefertermin {m}
admin. jobs earliest possible retirement agefrühestmögliches Rücktrittsalter {n} [schweiz.]
5+ Words: Others
at 11 o'clock at the earliest {adv}frühestens um elf
at the earliest (possible) opportunity {adv}bei der ersten sich bietenden Gelegenheit
at the earliest possible datezum frühestmöglichen Zeitpunkt
at the earliest possible date {adv}zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt
at the earliest possible dateso bald wie möglich
at the earliest possible momentzum frühesten Zeitpunkt
at the earliest time (possible) {adv}so früh wie möglich
I would be grateful if you would act on this request at your earliest convenience.Ich wäre dankbar, wenn Sie diesem Ersuchen so bald wie möglich nachkommen könnten.
I would be grateful if you would action this request at your earliest convenience. [esp. Br.]Ich wäre dankbar, wenn Sie diesem Ersuchen so bald wie möglich nachkommen könnten.
Please state your earliest delivery date.Bitte nennen Sie uns Ihr frühestes Lieferdatum.
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A 2018-04-30: https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/podex < Earliest use found in...
A 2014-08-07: the earliest inventions
A 2014-08-07: earliest inventions?
A 2011-07-11: Maybe... I will be available for an interview at your (earliest) convenience.
A 2011-01-31: na denn - very formal - We would be grateful if you could deal with this ...
A 2010-03-04: If you want to find out about the origins of the idiom, squeeze, you must ...
A 2010-02-24: no, here it means: its earliest known form, from which all modern varietie...
A 2007-11-13: What is the earliest date on which XY can move into the hostel?
A 2007-02-09: earliest?
A 2005-10-19: I would like to thank you in advance for your efforts and look forward to ...

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