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English-German translation for: east
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Dictionary English German: east

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NOUN   east | -
SYNO   E | due east | east | eastward ... 
east {adj}
east {adj}
east {adv}nach Osten
geogr. naut. east <E>
Osten {m} <O>
geogr. meteo. naut. east <E>
Ost <O> [Himmelsrichtung] [ohne Artikel]
Orient {m}
eastMorgen {m} [veraltet] [Osten]
2 Words: Others
due east {adv}genau östlich
due east {adv}genau nach Osten
geogr. East Aegean {adj}ostägäisch
East African {adj}ostafrikanisch
East Asian {adj}ostasiatisch
East Asiatic {adj}ostasiatisch
geogr. East Atlantic {adj} [attr.]ostatlantisch
East Baltic {adj}ostbaltisch
transp. east bound {adv}ostwärts
transp. east bound {adv}in östlicher Richtung
geogr. hist. East Elbian {adj} [also: East-Elbian, east-Elbian]ostelbisch
East European {adj}osteuropäisch
hist. East Frankish {adj}ostfränkisch <ostfränk.>
East Frisian {adj}ostfriesisch
East German {adj}ostdeutsch <ostd., ostdt.>
East Germanic {adj}ostgermanisch <ostgerm.>
geogr. hist. East Greek {adj}ostgriechisch
geogr. ling. East Hessian {adj}osthessisch
East Indian {adj}ostindisch
ling. East Nordic {adj}ostnordisch
east oföstlich von
geogr. East Pacific {adj}ostpazifisch
geogr. hist. East Phrygian {adj}ostphrygisch
East Prussian {adj}ostpreußisch
ling. East Scandinavian {adj}ostskandinavisch
ling. East Slavic {adj}ostslawisch
East Syrian {adj}ostsyrisch
East Timorese {adj}osttimorisch
East Turkestan {adj}ostturkestanisch
ethn. geogr. ling. East Westphalian {adj}ostwestfälisch
east-facing {adj}nach Osten [nachgestellt] [nach Osten gerichtet]
east-facing {adj}östlich ausgerichtet
east-facing {adj}nach Osten ausgerichtet [bezeichnet die Lage: Häuser, Kirche, Gebirge etc.]
east-facing {adj}nach Osten gerichtet
east-northeasterly {adj} {adv}ostnordöstlich
east-southeast {adj}ostsüdöstlich
east-southeasterly {adj} {adv}ostsüdöstlich
2 Words: Verbs
to face eastnach Osten liegen
2 Words: Nouns
aviat. approach east <APE>Ostanflug {m}
geogr. East AfricaOstafrika {n}
East AfricansOstafrikaner {pl}
geogr. East AngliaOstanglien {n}
geogr. East AngliaOstengland {n} [Ostanglien]
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A 2018-12-02: Ad 14:32 +When the wind is in the east, 'tis neither good for man nor beast+
Q 2017-12-31: https://weather.com/storms/winter/news/2017-12-28-arctic-record-cold-outbr...
A 2017-12-30: Well done! Posting your ad in +this+ forum will no doubt promote manual la...
A 2017-11-13: do NO and NE both mean NORTH EAST in German?
A 2017-11-13: do NO and NE both mean NORTH EAST in German?
Q 2017-11-13: do NO and NE both mean NORTH EAST in German?
A 2016-08-12: and there's also Mockney! Became cool and a hipster thing to pretend being...
A 2015-04-02: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/apr/02/at-least-43-dead-as-russian-t...
A 2014-12-11: But also: palas (pælˈɑːs) an East Indian tree Also called: flame of the f...
Q 2013-11-07: Good news for all of us: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-edinburgh-e...
A 2013-06-09: @Proteus: Perhaps he's circumnavigating the globe from east to west, with ...
Q 2013-02-24: Did you know that East Frisians had the world's highest per capita consump...
A 2013-01-07: Hmm. The Bible (Matthew) in the original mentions the revered Kings of the...
A 2012-05-17: East German regions (e.g. Saxony)
Q 2012-05-16: "east german regions" or "east germany regions" ?
A 2012-04-16: So what about the East Mole, Dunkirk? American usage would be out of place...
Q 2011-05-13: Upper East Side of New York
A 2011-04-25: The things are called +courgettes+ east and west of the English Channel
A 2010-12-17: Aren't in Kaiserslautern the girls all neutres, or doesn't that start befo...
A 2010-12-16: Im Unterschied zu Frankfurt oder London, wo die besseren Viertel im West E...

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