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English-German translation for: eat
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Dictionary English German: eat

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VERB  to eat | ate | eaten ... 
SYNO   to consume | to deplete | to eat ... 
[we/they/you] eat
[wir/sie/Sie] essen
[you] eat
[du] isst
sb. eat [archaic] [ate]
[you] eat
[ihr] esst
Friss! [derb]
[you] eat[du] ißt [alt]
Eat!Friß! [alt] [derb]
Eat!Iß! [alt]
to eat (sth.)
(etw.Akk.) essen
to eat [animal]
to eat sth.
etw.Akk. verzehren [geh.] [auch fachspr.] [essen]
to eat
verspeisen [geh.]
gastr. to eat
speisen [geh.] [essen]
to eat
habern [österr.] [ugs.] [essen]
2 Words: Others
[you] would eat[du] äßest
[you] would eat[ihr] äßet
Eat me! [Am.] [vulg.] [idiom]Du kannst mich mal! [ugs.] [Redewendung]
Eat up!Iss auf!
sb. would eatjd. äße
sth. would eatetw. fräße
2 Words: Verbs
to eat awaydrauflosessen [ugs.]
hydro. to eat away [erode]ausfressen [Wasser, Fluss]
dent. to eat away [teeth]anfressen [zersetzen]
idiom to eat crow [Am.] [coll.]die bittere Pille schlucken
to eat crow [Am.] [coll.] [idiom]zu Kreuze kriechen [Redewendung]
idiom to eat crow [coll.] [Am.] [Can.]Kreide fressen [ugs.]
idiom to eat dirt [fig.] [coll.]sich widerspruchslos demütigen lassen
to eat inzu Hause essen
to eat inzu Hause essen [hier essen]
to eat intoeinätzen
to eat intoeinfressen
to eat into sth.sich in etw. fressen [Säure]
to eat into sth. [currency reserves, savings]zehren von etw. [Reserven, Ersparnisse]
gastr. to eat lunchlunchen [den Lunch einnehmen]
gastr. to eat lunchzu Mittag essen
to eat masses [coll.]Unmengen essen
to eat outauswärts essen
to eat outessen gehen
to eat outaußer Haus / Hauses essen
to eat out [sl.] [vulg.] [to perform cunnilingus]lecken [vulg.] [Oralverkehr an einer Frau vollziehen]
Unverified to eat pavement [Am.] [coll.] [idiom] [suffer defeat]auf die Fresse fallen [derb] [hier fig.: eine Niederlage erleiden] [Redewendung]
to eat sb. aliveüber jdn. herfallen [fig.]
to eat sb. alivejdn. bei lebendigem Leibe auffressen
to eat sb. alive [idiom]jdn. in der Luft zerreißen [Redewendung] [verbal fertigmachen]
to eat sb. up [also fig.]jdn. auffressen [jdn. zermürben] [auch fig.]
to eat sth. ravenouslyetw.Akk. gierig verschlingen
gastr. to eat sth. upetw. verzehren [geh.] [aufessen]
to eat sth. up [consume entirely]etw.Akk. aufzehren [geh.]
to eat sth. up [leaving nothing]etw.Akk. wegfuttern [ugs.] [(ganz) aufessen]
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Q 2021-02-01: ... I am Jones demanding what there is to eat...
A 2020-03-06: Verifiziert als Split: not to have enough to eat
A 2019-02-03: eat clean
Q 2019-02-03: to eat "clean"
Q 2019-01-09: don't know whether to eat it or rub it on
Q 2018-06-13: eat the frog
Q 2017-05-14: You made me want to eat this!
A 2017-02-26: "eat like you do at Mom's"?
A 2017-02-26: Sad to say, whether you eat at home or elsewhere, sooner or later you die.
A 2017-02-26: to eat home-cooked food (like your mum used to do it)
Q 2017-02-01: eat sb raw
A 2016-12-18: Dogs don't eat English - but we like to be asked.
Q 2016-10-20: eat reality sandwiches
A 2016-07-24: don't eat the daisies
Q 2016-07-24: Don't eat the daisies
A 2016-07-13: informal: you can't have a cake and eat it
Q 2016-04-20: My favorite thing to eat is fruit
Q 2016-04-17: Thuggish Baby’s Hilarious Reaction To Mother Trying To Eat His Birthday Cake
A 2016-02-11: The family eats when it is hungry - if you think of the family as a group ...
Q 2015-11-09: Don't sh*t where you eat / Don't sh*t on your own doorstep

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