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English-German translation for: edges
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Dictionary English German: edges

Translation 1 - 22 of 22

English German
NOUN   an edge | edges
VERB  to edge | edged | edged
edging | edges
Kanten {pl}
Seiten {pl}
edges {pl}
Randgebiet {n}
2 Words
to cut edgesdie Kanten abschneiden
adjacent edgesbenachbarte Kanten {pl}
automot. biting edges [tire tread pattern]Kantenlamellen {pl} [Reifenprofil]
3 Words
idiom sb./sth. has rough edges [fig.]jd./etw. hat Ecken und Kanten [fig.]
with sharp edges {adj}scharfkantig
to cut the edgesden Rand abschneiden
to trim the edgesdie Kanten schneiden
steep line edgesÄtzflanken {pl}
4 Words
rough around the edges {adj} [fig.]kantig [fig.]
rough around the edges {adj} [fig.] [postpos.]ungeschliffen [fig.]
tech. chamfering of sharp edges [machining process]Brechen {n} von scharfen Kanten [Bearbeitungsverfahren]
cosmet. nippers {pl} for nail edgesEckenzange {f}
photo. tech. sharpness around the edges [also fig.]Randschärfe {f} [auch fig.]
tinkering around the edges [Br.] [pej.]Flickschusterei {f} [fig.] [pej.]
5+ Words
on the edges of the event {adj}am Rande des Ereignisses
idiom Sb. is rough around the edges.Jdm. fehlt der letzte Schliff.
med. Type 5: Soft blobs with clear-cut edges (passed easily) [Bristol Stool Chart / Scale]Typ 5: Einzelne weiche, glattrandige Klümpchen, leicht auszuscheiden [Bristol-Stuhlformen-Skala]
med. Type 6: Fluffy pieces with ragged edges, a mushy stool [Bristol Stool Chart / Scale]Typ 6: Einzelne weiche Klümpchen mit unregelmäßigem Rand [Bristol-Stuhlformen-Skala]
tech. to smooth the edges of the glassdie Glaskanten säumen
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A 2015-02-04: Glue along the edges. (Glue used here as a verb)
A 2013-12-02: edges
Q 2013-12-02: edges of a small place
Q 2013-12-01: edges of a blanket
A 2013-01-16: A bit more precisely: protecting it from damage (frayed edges, cuts, holes...
A 2012-08-15: Edges, verges, and hedges.
Q 2012-08-15: road edges
Q 2012-08-02: hard edges (fig.)
A 2012-04-30: Euler's polyhedron formula is about the numbers of corners / vertices, ed...
A 2012-03-28: grat- und fransenfrei > free of burrs and ragged edges
A 2012-03-27: flat edges
A 2012-02-09: gilt-edges securities / stock LINX
A 2012-01-08: Why +verschneiden?+ Because the edge of the respective ski cuts / the edge...
A 2012-01-04: edges rather than corners
A 2011-10-28: Technically: ... imported maps fade to transparent around the edges
A 2011-06-09: a "gebrochener Charakter" means something as character with rough edges, ...
A 2011-05-24: adhesive emerges / leaks (out) at the edges
A 2010-12-03: English: torching the edges
A 2010-09-06: Caution: "Begrenzbar" could refer to the fact that the edges can be clearl...
A 2009-07-24: around the edges ...

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edge sb. away
edge sb. off
edge sb. (on)
edge sb. on
edge sb. out
edge set
edge sharpening

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