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English-German translation for: effectiveness!
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Dictionary English German: effectiveness

Translation 1 - 50 of 50

English German
NOUN   effectiveness | -
SYNO   effectiveness | potency | strength ... 
Effektivität {f}
Leistungsfähigkeit {f}
Wirksamkeit {f}
philos. effectiveness
Wirkmächtigkeit {f}
Erfolg {m}
Wirksamkeitsgrad {m}
Funktionsfähigkeit {f}
pharm. effectivenessAlltagswirksamkeit {f} [Bewährung eines Arzneimittels unter Alltagsbedingungen]
effectivenessSchlagkräftigkeit {f}
effectivenessWirkungsmächtigkeit {f}
2 Words: Nouns
advertising effectivenessWerbeerfolg {m}
advertising effectivenessWerbewirksamkeit {f}
capture effectivenessFangeffektivität {f}
pharm. clinical effectivenessklinische Effektivität {f}
med. pharm. QM clinical effectivenessklinische Wirksamkeit {f}
cost effectivenessKosteneffektivität {f}
cost effectivenessKostenwirksamkeit {f}
cost effectivenessWirtschaftlichkeit {f}
cost effectivenessPreis-Leistungs-Verhältnis {n}
effectiveness analysisLeistungsanalyse {f}
effectiveness analysisWirkungsanalyse {f}
acad. effectiveness researchEffektivitätsforschung {f}
acad. effectiveness researchWirksamkeitsforschung {f}
sociol. group effectivenessGruppeneffektivität {f}
operational effectivenessBetriebsleistung {f}
operational effectivenessoperative Leistungsfähigkeit {f}
potential effectivenessmögliche Wirksamkeit {f}
product effectivenessLeistungsfähigkeit {f} des Produkts / Produktes
electr. unit shielding effectiveness <SE>Schirmdämpfung {f} <SE> [Messgröße]
system effectivenessSystemwirksamkeit {f}
system effectivenessWirkungsgrad {m} eines Systems
3 Words: Others
Maximize your effectiveness!Steigern Sie Ihre Effektivität! [formelle Anrede]
3 Words: Nouns
(degree of) effectivenessWirkungsgrad {m}
advertising effectiveness studyWerbeerfolgskontrolle {f}
econ. cost-effectiveness analysis <CEA>Kosteneffektivitätsanalyse {f} [auch: Kosteneffektivitäts-Analyse]
econ. med. QM cost-effectiveness analysis <CEA>Kosten-Wirksamkeits-Analyse <KWA> {f} [auch: Kosten-Wirksamkeitsanalyse]
econ. cost-effectiveness considerationsKosten-Nutzen-Überlegungen {pl}
econ. cost-effectiveness study <CES, CE study>Kosteneffektivitätsstudie {f} [auch: Kosten-Effektivitätsstudie]
duration of effectivenessWirkdauer {f}
evidence of effectivenessEffektivitätsnachweis {m}
length of effectivenessWirkdauer {f}
econ. tech. manufacturing cycle effectiveness <MCE>Effektivität {f} des Fertigungszyklus
tech. overall equipment effectiveness <OEE>Gesamtanlageneffektivität {f} <GAE>
law principle of effectivenessEffektivitätsprinzip {n}
QM proof of effectivenessEffektivitätsnachweis {m}
med. MedTech. phys. relative biological effectiveness <RBE>relative biologische Wirksamkeit {f} <RBW>
4 Words: Nouns
fin. med. QM cost-effectiveness acceptability curve <CEAC>Kosten-Effektivitäts-Akzeptanzkurve {f} <KEAK> [auch: Kosteneffektivitäts-Akzeptanzkurve]
comp. ecol. power usage effectiveness <PUE> valuePUE-Wert {m}
varying degrees of effectivenessunterschiedliche Wirksamkeit {f}
5+ Words: Nouns
med. effectiveness of protective and supportive proceduresWirksamkeit {f} protektiver und supportiver Maßnahmen
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A 2015-06-02: Agree with your suggestion: effectiveness analysis
A 2014-11-21: At any rate their practical effectiveness will possibly be reduced by anot...
A 2013-10-22: Concept and verifiable effectiveness of earnings management
A 2013-10-22: effectiveness (?)
Q 2012-07-13: zu erwartende Effektivität - expectant effectiveness?
A 2011-09-17: Not easy—happiness and effectiveness make odd bedfellows indeed.
A 2011-01-09: The lamentable neglect of the media entrepreneurs is of creeping effectiveness
Q 2010-10-21: effectiveness
A 2009-08-21: "core competencies" = core levels of effectiveness
A 2009-08-12: assessment of the professional effectiveness ?
A 2009-04-15: Its effectiveness being undeniable, it will establish itself as a medical ...
A 2009-02-15: Parent effectiveness training......oder wie?
A 2009-02-01: +people effectiveness+ smacks of cant - it may be another word for exploitation
A 2009-02-01: "people effectiveness"
A 2009-02-01: typo: people's effectiveness
Q 2009-02-01: people effectiveness
A 2009-01-30: ...do not consist solely of... but are also tested for their visual effect...
A 2009-01-17: http://www.google.com/custom?hl=de&client=pub-9052512890358126&cof=&ie=ISO...
A 2008-07-27: provided they prove its cost effectiveness
A 2008-07-09: oh, bit of a typo////to ensure continued high quality in staff training an...

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