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English-German translation for: efficient
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Dictionary English German: efficient

Translation 1 - 61 of 61

English German
ADJ   efficient | more efficient | most efficient
SYNO   effective | efficient
efficient {adj}
efficient {adj}
efficient {adj}
efficient {adj}
efficient {adj}
efficient {adj}
efficient {adj}
efficient {adj}
efficient {adj}
efficient {adj}
efficient {adj}
efficient {adj}
efficient {adj}gut funktionierend
2 Words: Others
cost-efficient {adj}kosteneffizient
cost-efficient {adj}kostengünstig
econ. cost-efficient {adj}wirtschaftlich
ecol. eco-efficient {adj}umwelteffizient
energy efficient {adj}kraftsparend
energy-efficient {adj}energieeffizient
tech. energy-efficient {adj}energetisch günstig
automot. fuel efficient {adj}kraftstoffeffizient
ecol. fuel-efficient {adj}kraftstoffsparend
fuel-efficient {adj}spritsparend [ugs.]
fuel-efficient {adj}treibstoffsparend
fuel-efficient {adj} [concerning petrol]benzinsparend
fuel-efficient {adj} [concerning petrol]Benzin sparend
highly efficient {adj}hocheffizient
tech. highly efficient {adj}hochleistungsfähig [äußerst effizient]
highly efficient {adj}hochwirksam
tech. highly efficient {adj}leistungsstark [große Produktionskapazität besitzend]
more efficient {adj}effizienter
more efficient {adj}geschäftstüchtiger
more efficient {adj}leistungsfähiger
most efficient {adj}effizienteste
most efficient {adj}geschäftstüchtigste
most efficient {adj}leistungsfähigste
econ. Pareto-efficient {adj}pareto-effizient [auch Pareto-effizient]
ecol. resource-efficient {adj}ressourceneffizient
resource-efficient {adj}ressourcenschonend
tax-efficient {adj}steuergünstig
tax-efficient {adj}steuerlich wirksam
time-efficient {adj}zeiteffizient
water-efficient {adj}wassereffizient
2 Words: Nouns
efficient brakefunktionierende Bremse {f}
philos. efficient causalityWirkursächlichkeit {f}
philos. efficient causeBewegungsursache {f}
philos. efficient causeWirkursache {f}
philos. efficient cause [Aristotle]Antriebsursache {f}
econ. fin. efficient frontierEffizienzgrenze {f}
efficient marketleistungsfähiger Markt {m}
efficient methodwirtschaftliches Verfahren {n}
efficient portfolioeffizientes Portfolio {n}
efficient secretary [female]tüchtige Sekretärin {f}
efficient setleistungsfähiges Gerät {n}
3 Words: Verbs
to be energy efficient [electricity]stromsparend sein
to be energy efficient [electricity]Strom sparend sein
3 Words: Nouns
publ. cost-efficient journalsrentable Zeitschriften {pl} [wissenschaftliche]
efficient capital marketleistungsfähiger Kapitalmarkt {m}
comm. econ. efficient consumer response <ECR>effiziente Konsumentenresonanz {f} <EKR>
tax-efficient savingsteuergünstiges Sparen {n}
5+ Words: Others
quote In the long run luck is given only to the efficient.Glück hat auf die Dauer doch zumeist wohl nur der Tüchtige. [Helmuth Graf von Moltke d.Ä.]
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A 2018-08-28: You are efficient thank you :)
A 2018-04-28: efficient <> performing!
A 2016-01-18: Great links! We need those cute little fuel-efficient / human-powered plow...
A 2015-04-08: Efficient
Q 2015-04-08: efficient correspondence
A 2012-12-18: more efficient workflow
Q 2012-09-26: "it may be reasonable to shunt over to a more efficient local algorithm."
A 2012-06-30: Wie wäre es mit "more efficient"?
A 2012-06-01: entrepreneurially efficient and effective business process
A 2012-04-19: Cost-efficient and cost-effective are normally hyphenated, so I would do t...
Q 2012-04-19: One more: "time efficient" or "time-efficient"?
Q 2011-10-09: efficient inventory management had always been a challenge - or "INefficient"???
A 2011-07-25: Efficient
A 2010-09-01: Basics for successful and efficient scientific work
A 2010-08-31: Basics for successful and efficient scientific research
A 2010-04-20: Gee! Oh dear! - Doctors are the most efficient salespeople I know. All the...
A 2010-02-24: efficiently usable / for efficient usage
A 2010-02-24: efficient ...
A 2009-12-01: efficient commitment ..?!
A 2009-11-08: Could it be efficient for companies to obtain their energy from their own ...

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efficient method
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efficient secretary

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