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English-German translation for: eighth
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Dictionary English German: eighth

Translation 1 - 28 of 28

English German
ADJ   eighth | - | -
NOUN   an eighth | eighths
SYNO   eighth | one-eighth | 8th | eighth
eighth {adj} <8th>
eighth {adv} [eighthly]achtens
gastr. eighth [of a litre of wine]
Achtel {n}
eighth <8th> [eighth female person]Achte {f} <8.> [achte Person]
eighth <8th> [eighth person]Achter {m} <8.> [achte Person]
2 Words
eighth largest {adj}achtgrößte
twenty-eighth {adj} <28th>achtundzwanzigste
an eighthein Achtel {n} [schweiz. meist {m}]
eighth (part)Achtel {n} [schweiz. meist {m}]
eighth centenaryAchthundertjahrfeier {f}
eighth century8. Jahrhundert {n}
sports eighth division [of German football league]Kreisliga {f}
eighth grader [Am.]Tertianer {m} [Untertertianer]
mus. eighth note [Am.]Achtel {f} {n} [Achtelnote]
mus. eighth note [Am.]Achtelnote {f}
mus. eighth rest [Am.]Achtelpause {f}
one-eighthein Achtel {n} [schweiz. meist {m}]
3 Words
anat. biol. eighth cranial nerve <CN VIII, CNVIII, VIII> [Nervus vestibulocochlearis, formerly: Nervus statoacusticus] [vestibulocochlear nerve]Hör-Gleichgewichtsnerv {m}
eighth of October8. Oktober {m}
anat. VetMed. eighth thoracic vertebra <8th thoracic vertebra, T8 vertebra, T8> [Vertebra thoracica VIII]achter Brustwirbel {m} <8. Brustwirbel, Th8, Th 8>
4 Words
in the eighth place {adv} [eighthly]achtens
eighth of a liter [mostly wine]Achterl {n} [österr.]
eighth of a mileAchtelmeile {f}
5+ Words
(arc of) one-eighth of a circleAchtelkreis {m}
mus. (one) hundred (and) twenty-eighth note [Am.]Hundertachtundzwanzigstelnote {f}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Bluebeard's Eighth Wife [Ernst Lubitsch]Blaubarts achte Frau
lit. F The Eighth Day [Thornton Wilder]Der achte Schöpfungstag
lit. F The Eighth Life (For Brilka)Das achte Leben (Für Brilka) [Nino Haratischwili]
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A 2011-01-23: Even in the eighth period we have lessons
A 2011-01-01: I'm in the eighth form of a secondary modern school (Realschule)
A 2007-04-12: B is the eighth biggest city of the EU.
A 2005-11-07: based on Allan's: According to statistics, every eighth person executed is...
A 2004-09-25: She was married for the eighth time.

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eighth of a liter
eighth of a mile

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