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English-German translation for: elderly community
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Dictionary English German: elderly community

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Internet to join a communityeiner Community beitreten
med. community mask [self-made mask, e.g. against infection]Community-Maske {f} [selbstgenähte Maske, z. B. gegen Infektion]
educ. community college [Am.] <CC>Community College {n} [2-jähriges College zur Berufsausbildung und Vorbereitung auf ein Hochschulstudium]
elderly {adj}ältlich
elderly {adj}bejahrt [geh.]
elderly {adj}betagt [geh.]
elderly careAltenpflege {f}
sociol. elderly mortalityAlterssterblichkeit {f}
elderly peopleSenioren {pl}
elderly personsSenioren {pl}
the elderly {pl}die Alten {pl}
elderly gentlemanälterer Herr {m}
elderly ladyältere Dame {f}
elderly manälterer Mann {m}
elderly peopleältere Menschen {pl}
elderly personsältere Leute {pl}
elderly populationältere Bevölkerung {f}
to become disproportionately elderlyvergreisen
econ. fin. elderly care fundingAltenpflegefinanzierung {f}
elderly-care facilityAltenpflegeeinrichtung {f}
infirm elderly manBetagter {m}
elderly {adj}älter [nicht mehr jung]
elderly peopleältere Semester {pl} [hum.]
elderly (married) coupleälteres Ehepaar {n}
care of the elderlyAltenbetreuung {f}
care of the elderlyAltenpflege {f}
care of the elderlyAltersfürsorge {f}
jobs carer for the elderlyAltenpfleger {m}
home for the elderlyAltenwohnheim {n}
home for the elderlyAltersheim {n}
relig. pilgrimage for the elderlySeniorenwallfahrt {f}
sociol. poverty among the elderlyAltersarmut {f}
med. tuberculosis in the elderlyAlterstuberkulose {f}
work with the elderlyAltenhilfe {f}
the elderly {pl}ältere Menschen {pl} [insgesamt betrachtet]
jobs carer for the elderly [female]Altenpflegerin {f}
relig. ministry to the elderlyAltenhilfe {f} [Altenseelsorge]
(social) work with the elderlyAltenarbeit {f}
day care for the elderlyAltentagesstätte {f}
sociol. mortality in the elderly populationAlterssterblichkeit {f}
sociol. mortality in the elderly populationGreisensterblichkeit {f}
sociol. stat. mortality rate for the elderlyAlterssterblichkeit {f}
nursing home for the elderlyAltenpflegeheim {n}
sheltered accommodation (for the elderly)Seniorenwohnanlage {f}
the elderly {pl}Senioren {pl} [ältere Menschen (insgesamt betrachtet)]
med. elderly care crisisNotstand {m} in der Altenpflege
med. (residential) care home for the elderlyPflegeheim {n}
house reserved for an elderly personAltenteilerhaus {n}
RealEst. sociol. housing suitable for the elderlyaltersgerechtes Wohnen {n}
sheltered flats {pl} (for the elderly) [Br.]Altenwohnheim {n}
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