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English-German translation for: elections
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Dictionary English German: elections

Translation 1 - 43 of 43

English German
NOUN   an election | elections
pol. elections
Wahlen {pl}
2 Words: Verbs
to hold electionsWahlen durchführen
2 Words: Nouns
pol. communal electionsGemeinderatswahlen {pl}
communal electionsGemeindewahl {f}
pol. direct elections {pl}Volkswahl {f}
pol. district elections [to a district assembly]Bezirksvertretungswahlen {pl}
pol. early electionsvorgezogene Neuwahlen {pl}
pol. early electionsvorgezogene Wahlen {pl}
pol. elections administrator [Am.]Wahlleiter {m}
EU pol. European electionsEuropawahlen {pl}
pol. free electionsfreie Wahlen {pl}
pol. general electionsParlamentswahlen {pl}
pol. gubernatorial electionsGouverneurswahlen {pl}
pol. legislative electionsParlamentswahlen {pl}
pol. local electionsGemeinderatswahl {f}
pol. local electionsLokalwahlen {pl}
pol. local elections {pl}Kommunalwahl {f}
pol. mayoral elections [in bigger cities]OB-Wahlen {pl} [kurz für: Oberbürgermeisterwahlen]
pol. midterm elections [USA]Zwischenwahlen {pl} [USA]
pol. national electionsParlamentswahlen {pl} [auf der Ebene des gesamten Landes]
pol. national electionslandesweite Wahlen {pl}
pol. new electionsNeuwahlen {pl}
pol. parliamentary electionsParlamentswahlen {pl}
pol. presidential electionsPräsidentschaftswahl {f}
presidential elections [may refer to both a single vote and several votes]Präsidentschaftswahlen {pl} [kann sowohl eine einzelne Wahl meinen als auch mehrere]
pol. primary electionsPrimärwahlen {pl}
pol. primary electionsVorwahlen {pl}
pol. sham electionsvorgetäuschte Wahlen {pl}
pol. snap electionsvorgezogene Neuwahlen {pl}
3 Words: Verbs
to arrange new electionsNeuwahlen vorbereiten
3 Words: Nouns
pol. federal state electionsLandtagswahlen {pl}
pol. local (government) electionsKommunalwahlen {pl}
pol. municipal elections lawKommunalwahlrecht {n}
law obstruction of electionsWahlbehinderung {f}
educ. pol. student council elections {pl}Studentenschaftswahl {f}
pol. time {sg} of electionsWahlkampfzeiten {pl}
pol. town hall electionsKommunalwahlen {pl}
4 Words: Others
pol. at the mayoral elections {adv} [in bigger cities]bei den OB-Wahlen [OB = Oberbürgermeister]
until after the elections {adv}bis nach den Wahlen
4 Words: Nouns
EU pol. campaign for European electionsEuropawahlkampf {m}
pol. corrupt practices {pl} at electionsunlauteres Vorgehen {n} bei Wahlen
5+ Words: Others
The elections should be a shoo-in for the Republicans. [Am.] [coll.]Der Wahlsieg der Republikaner ist so gut wie sicher.
5+ Words: Nouns
pol. parliamentary elections {pl} (for the Bundestag)Bundestagswahl {f}
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A 2019-02-22: Hier der Kontext: https://www.euractiv.com/section/eu-elections-2019/news/...
A 2016-11-10: Elections continued
Q 2016-11-09: +Dazed and Confused+ Does this sum up your mood after the US elections?
A 2015-12-03: Only getting 20-something per cent in elections (or possibly opinion polls).
Q 2014-08-05: provincially based parliament elections
Q 2013-04-28: How to win elections.
A 2012-11-04: Ah, you never know. (Regarding elections, I mean.)
A 2012-08-17: Money and elections
A 2011-03-02: Der Wahlabend zum Deutschen Bundestag - the evening after the elections fo...
Q 2011-01-25: Geheimhaltungsverpflichtungserklärung für HR-Angestellten - "benefit elect...
A 2009-06-24: There ain't gonna be new elections in Iran, we ull know that.
Q 2007-07-02: to inefficiently loosen in the run-up to elections
A 2007-03-30: bzw. wollte damit sagen, dass ich "communal elections"
A 2007-03-30: communal elections
A 2007-03-28: http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=%22He+won+the+*+parliame...
Q 2006-10-23: Elections
A 2006-09-06: Euro = adj, European, especially relating to the European Union, Example: ...
A 2005-08-17: ... from May 2004 since the elections in September????????

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