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English-German translation for: electrical
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Dictionary English German: electrical

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ADJ   electrical | more electrical | most electrical
SYNO   electric | electrical
electr. electrical {adj}
electrical {adj}
2 Words: Others
geol. geo-electrical {adj}geoelektrisch
2 Words: Nouns
spec. electrical accidentElektrounfall {m}
spec. electrical accidentStromunfall {m}
spec. electrical activityelektrische Aktivität {f}
electrical appliancesElektroartikel {pl}
electrical appliancesElektrogeräte {pl}
electrical applianceselektrische Geräte {pl}
electr. electrical assembly [the process]Elektromontage {f}
electrical behaviour [Br.]elektrisches Verhalten {n}
electr. electrical breakdownSpannungsdurchschlag {m} [elektrischer Durchschlag]
electr. electrical breakdownelektrischer Durchschlag {m}
electr. electrical cableElektrokabel {n}
electr. electrical cableelektrisches Kabel {n}
phys. electrical chargeelektrische Ladung {f}
electr. electrical circuitStromkreis {m}
electr. electrical circuitelektrische Schaltung {f}
electr. electrical circuitelektrischer Schaltkreis {m}
electr. electrical conductorelektrischer Leiter {m}
electr. electrical connectionElektroanschluss {m} [auch: Elektro-Anschluss]
electr. electrical connectionStromanschluss {m}
electr. electrical connectionelektrische Steckverbindung {f}
electr. electrical connectionelektrischer Anschluss {m}
electr. electrical connectionselektrische Anschlüsse {pl}
electr. electrical connectorSteckverbinder {m}
electr. electrical connectorelektrischer Steckverbinder {m}
electr. electrical contactelektrischer Kontakt {m}
electr. electrical contactselektrische Kontakte {pl}
electr. jobs electrical contractor [company]Elektroinstallateur {m} [Unternehmen]
electr. electrical cordStromkabel {n}
electr. electrical cordelektrisches Kabel {n}
tech. electrical counterelektrisches Zählwerk {n}
electr. electrical currentelektrischer Strom {m}
electr. electrical dataelektrische Daten {pl}
electr. electrical dataelektrische Werte {pl}
electrical designElektroplanung {f} [Elektroauslegung]
electr. electrical design [less frequent than: electrical layout]elektrische Auslegung {f}
electr. tools electrical deviceElektrogerät {n}
electr. tools electrical deviceelektrische Vorrichtung {f}
electr. tools electrical deviceelektrisches Gerät {n}
electr. tools electrical devicesElektrogeräte {pl}
electrical dischargeelektrische Entladung {f}
electr. engin. electrical driveElektroantrieb {m}
electr. tech. electrical driveselektrische Antriebe {pl}
electr. electrical efficiencyelektrischer Wirkungsgrad {m}
electr. tech. electrical endurance [number of cycles until relay failure]elektrische Lebensdauer {f}
jobs electrical engineerElektroingenieur {m}
electr. engin. electrical engineerElektrotechniker {m}
electr. jobs electrical engineer [female]Elektrotechnikerin {f}
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Q 2022-01-24: electrical fuse?
Q 2018-11-15: electric or electrical
A 2018-05-13: main electricity substation / main electrical substation
A 2017-04-04: Possibly an electrical breakdown problem (gases!) to be statistically described
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A 2012-01-23: first thing to find out is whether this is in the electrical section.
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A 2012-01-15: overall solutions in electrical technology
A 2011-12-01: Analysis of vehicle-related charge and recovery infrastructures in the are...
A 2011-10-18: Typo: electrical
A 2011-10-18: Electrical service notes
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Q 2011-04-29: Design reuse (electrical engineering, computer science)

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