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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: electronic art
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Dictionary English German: electronic art

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art art for art's sakel'art pour l'art {n}
art comp. artificial intelligence art <AI art>KI-Kunst {f} [KI-generierte Kunst]
art art for art's sakeKunst {f} um der Kunst willen
film jobs RadioTV art directorArt-Direktor {m} [seltenere Schreibung] [künstlerischer Leiter einer Sendung etc.]
insur. alternative risk transfer <ART>alternativer Risikotransfer {m} <ART>
med. antiretroviral therapy <ART>antiretrovirale Therapie {f} <ART>
QM stat. error of the first kind [type I error]Fehler {m} erster Art <Fehler 1. Art>
QM stat. error of the second kind [type II error]Fehler {m} zweiter Art <Fehler 2. Art>
article <art.>Artikel {m} <Art.>
art optical artOp-Art {f}
art outsider artArt brut {m} {f}
archi. art art deco {adj} [also: Art Deco]im Art-déco-Stil [nachgestellt]
art art nouveauArt nouveau {m} {n} [frz. Bez. für den Jugendstil]
QM stat. type I errorFehler {m} erster Art <Fehler 1. Art>
QM stat. type II errorFehler {m} zweiter Art <Fehler 2. Art>
phys. type-I superconductorSupraleiter {m} erster Art <Supraleiter 1. Art>
phys. type-II superconductorSupraleiter {m} zweiter Art <Supraleiter 2. Art>
art Land art [also: land art]Land Art {f}
spec. adaptive resonance theory <ART>adaptive Resonanztheorie {f} <ART>
art pop art painterPop-Art-Künstler {m} [Maler]
art deco / Art DecoArt-déco-Stil {m}
art deco districtArt-déco-Distrikt {m}
electronic {adj}elektronisch
electr. electronic bookElectronic Book {n}
educ. fin. spec. electronic businessElectronic Business {n}
econ. Internet electronic commerceElectronic Commerce {m}
electronic shoppingElectronic Shopping {n}
all-electronic {adj}vollelektronisch
fully electronic {adj}vollelektronisch
electr. optics opto-electronic {adj}optoelektronisch
electronic accumulatorAddierwerk {n}
electr. electronic attachmentElektronikanbau {m}
electronic brainElektronengehirn {n}
tech. electronic componentElektronikkomponente {f}
electronic deviceElektronikgerät {n}
electronic devicesElektronikgeräte {pl}
jobs electronic engineerElektroingenieur {m}
jobs electronic engineerElektroniker {m}
tech. electronic equipmentElektronikausrüstung {f}
electronic equipmentElektronikzubehör {n}
electr. electronic failureElektronikausfall {m}
electronic flashElektronenblitz {m}
electr. ind. electronic industryElektronikindustrie {f}
electr. electronic lockElektronikschloss {n}
Internet journ. electronic newspaperBildschirmzeitung {f}
electr. tech. electronic partElektronikbauteil {n}
mus. electronic pianoDigitalpiano {n}
electr. electronic schematicSchaltplan {m}
electronic scissors {pl}Elektronikschere {f}
electronic scrapElektronikschrott {m}
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Electric Dreams
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