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English-German translation for: elementary
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Dictionary English German: elementary

Translation 1 - 50 of 105  >>

English German
SYNO   elemental | elementary | primary ... 
elementary {adj}
elementary {adj}
elementary {adj}
elementary {adj}
elementary {adj}
elementary {adj}
elementary {adj}im Anfangsstadium [nachgestellt]
elementary {adj}nicht entwickelt
educ. elementary {adj}im frühen Stadium [nachgestellt]
2 Words: Others
math. elementary symmetric {adj}elementarsymmetrisch
2 Words: Nouns
elementary analysisElementaranalyse {f}
elementary bodyGrundstoff {m}
phys. elementary chargeElementarladung {f}
electr. spec. elementary circuitelementarer Schaltkreis {m}
educ. elementary classElementarklasse {f}
educ. elementary classesGrundstufe {f}
elementary colour [Br.]Grundfarbe {f}
elementary conversionElementumwandlung {f}
educ. elementary courseAnfängerkurs {m}
educ. elementary courseEinführungslehrgang {m}
educ. elementary courseLehrgang {m} für Anfänger
educ. ling. elementary dictionaryAnfängerwörterbuch {n}
math. elementary divisorElementarteiler {m}
educ. elementary educationElementarbildung {f}
educ. elementary educationElementarunterricht {m} [auch: Elementar-Unterricht]
educ. elementary educationGrundschulausbildung {f}
educ. elementary educationGrundschulbildung {f}
ling. elementary English {sg}Grundkenntnisse {pl} in Englisch
elementary eventElementarereignis {n}
elementary factGrundtatsache {f}
sociol. elementary familyKernfamilie {f}
tech. elementary feederMutterverteiler {m} [Tribologie]
math. elementary filterElementarfilter {m}
elementary functionElementarfunktion {f}
math. elementary geometryElementargeometrie {f}
educ. elementary instructionAnfangsunterricht {m}
educ. elementary instructionElementarunterricht {m}
phys. elementary interactionselementare Wechselwirkungen {pl}
elementary itemElement {n}
elementary knowledgeElementarwissen {n}
elementary knowledgeVorkenntnis {f}
elementary knowledge {sg}Grundkenntnisse {pl}
elementary lawsGrundsätze {pl}
elementary levelElementarstufe {f}
elementary levelGrundstufe {f}
educ. elementary levelUnterstufe {f}
phys. elementary magnetElementarmagnet {m}
educ. math. elementary mathematics [usually treated as sg.]Elementarmathematik {f}
elementary mathematics [usually treated as sg.]elementare Mathematik {f}
elementary mistakeElementarfehler {m}
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A 2021-07-03: Elementary flaws in your English
A 2019-04-07: The meaning +stain+ is quite elementary
A 2017-05-02: Elementary grammar
A 2017-03-14: Elementary
A 2016-04-08: Elementary
A 2014-08-07: pivotal / elementary inventions
A 2013-01-04: Magister university degree in elementary school education
A 2012-06-11: Volksschule is primary/elementary school in Austria, the first four years ...
A 2010-08-27: In Germany, the school form pupils attend after elementary school
A 2010-03-09: New approaches to collaboration between elementary schools and preschools . . .
A 2009-12-20: Yet even American journalists make elementary mistakes
Q 2009-08-16: This initial program covers from Beginner to Elementary.
A 2009-05-13: Elementary
A 2009-04-23: forgot elementary school graduation, junior high school graduation, middle...
A 2008-06-19: elementary school
A 2008-06-19: Typolilly: +elementary+
A 2007-11-22: Once and for all: +damages+ > Schadenersatz!!! If you continue to make su...
Q 2007-06-09: Wer kennt sich aus mit dem Schulsystem in Malta? Elementary, Middle and Hi...
A 2007-03-16: Does elementary sound too negative?
A 2007-03-08: the elementary and the complex ?

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