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English-German translation for: elements
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Dictionary English German: elements

Translation 1 - 67 of 67

English German
NOUN   an element | elements
Elemente {pl}
Bestandteile {pl}
Grundlagen {pl}
meteo. elements {pl}
Wetter {n}
Anfangsgründe {pl}
Grundbestandteile {pl}
mil. elementsTeileinheiten {pl}
2 Words: Others
math. Euclid's ElementsEuklids Elemente
2 Words: Nouns
tech. action elementsAktionselemente {pl}
antisocial elementsAsoziale {pl} [ugs.]
archaeo. archi. architectural elementsArchitekturteile {pl}
basic elementsGrundelemente {pl}
constr. concrete elementsBetonelemente {pl}
constitutive elementswesentliche Elemente {pl}
relig. Eucharistic elementsElemente {pl} [Abendmahl]
extension elementsAusbauteile {pl}
finite elementsfinite Elemente {pl}
ecol. habitat elementsHabitatelemente {pl}
econ. monopolistic elementsMonopolelemente {pl}
organizational elementsOrganisationselemente {pl}
ornamental elementsZierelemente {pl}
pol. radical elementsradikale Elemente {pl}
radioactive elementsradioaktive Elemente {pl}
raging elementswütende Elemente {pl}
constr. sandstone elementsSandsteinelemente {pl}
engin. tech. stiffening elementsVersteifungselemente {pl}
textual elementsTextbestandteile {pl}
biochem. FoodInd. pharm. trace elementsSpurenelemente {pl}
chem. transactinide elementsTransactinoide {pl}
chem. transition elementsÜbergangselemente {pl}
chem. transition elements [transition metals]Übergangsmetalle {pl}
ultimate elementsGrundbestandteile {pl}
various elementsverschiedene Elemente {pl}
meteo. weather elementsWetterelemente {pl}
philos. world elementsWeltelemente {pl} [Ernst Mach]
3 Words: Verbs
to brave the elementsden Elementen trotzen
3 Words: Nouns
tech. basic transfer elementsGrundübertragungsglieder {pl}
med. bone-seeking elementsknochenaffine Elemente {pl}
elements at riskRisikoelemente {pl}
elements of mathematicsGrundlagen {pl} der Mathematik
mus. elements of musicElemente {pl} der Musik
elements of natureElemente {pl} der Natur
elements of scienceGrundlagen {pl} der Wissenschaft
hand grip elementsGriffelemente {pl}
horizontal stiffening elementsHorizontalverbände {pl}
biol. mobile genetic elements <MGEs>mobile genetische Elemente {pl}
market. QM must-be elements [customer relations management]Basisfaktoren {pl} [Kundenbeziehungsmanagement]
math. tech. number of elementsElementnummer {f}
chem. platinum group elements <PGE>Platingruppenelemente {pl} <PGE>
chem. material platinum-group elements <PGM>Platinmetalle {pl}
chem. mineral. rare earth elementsSeltene Erden {pl}
chem. rare earth elementsseltene Erdmetalle {pl}
4 Words: Verbs
to identify other data elementsandere Datenelemente bezeichnen
4 Words: Nouns
astron. abundance of (chemical) elementsElementhäufigkeit {f}
law elements {pl} of an offense [Am.]Tatbestand {m}
relig. elements of (the) faithGlaubenselemente {pl}
elements of the BundesbankOrgane {pl} der Bundesbank
elements of the futureZukunftsbereiche {pl}
chem. periodic system of elements <PSE>Periodensystem {n} der Elemente <PSE>
5+ Words: Nouns
chem. extended periodic table (of elements)erweitertes Periodensystem {n} (der Elemente)
important elements in good governmentwichtige Grundbestandteile {pl} erfolgreicher Staatskunst
mental elements {pl} of the offence [Am.]subjektiver Tatbestand {m}
chem. Periodic Table of the Elements <PTE>Periodensystem {n} der Elemente <PSE>
physical elements {pl} of the offence [Am.]objektiver Tatbestand {m}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
law philos. F Elements of the Philosophy of RightGrundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts [G. W. F. Hegel]
art F Point and Line to Plane: Contribution to the Analysis of the Pictorial Elements [Wassily Kandinsky]Punkt und Linie zu Fläche. Beitrag zur Analyse der malerischen Elemente
lit. F The Elements [Harry Mulisch]Die Elemente
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A 2023-04-26: Tatbild ~ Tatbestand > material elements of a crime ( +actus reus+ leaving...
A 2021-02-28: Möglicherweise: vorelementieren > assemble prefab construction elements
A 2017-08-06: hier wahrscheinlich: as an individual object (as opposed to part of a coll...
A 2014-10-28: maybe "elements?"
A 2014-04-19: vermutlich ein anderes Wort für Steuertatbestand: elements of taxation
A 2014-02-21: Perhaps +verbal elements+ is too loose - let's say +joining two or more si...
A 2014-02-21: It's a regularly formed compound word, and anybody may do so combining any...
A 2013-10-09: elements (?)
A 2013-08-30: constituting the (legal) elements of a claim according to Art. XYZ
A 2013-05-29: As it is, the original idea at once comprises all the crucial elements, th...
A 2012-04-24: "fastener elements" is confusing. It can imply "elements of fasteners" (th...
A 2012-04-24: fasteners or fastener elements für "verbindungsmittel" ?
A 2012-03-19: A small change: xxx plans to remove *the* current generation in controll e...
A 2012-03-19: xxx plans to get rid of current generation in controll elements
A 2012-02-18: 'In order to enable an initial categorization of the described elements in...
A 2012-02-13: The "bifurcation of labor" most likely refers to the division between the ...
A 2012-02-01: readout and operating systems/elements ??
A 2012-02-01: oder: display and control elements
A 2011-05-29: discursive elements ... which reach / extend beyond the relevant deliberat...
A 2011-05-14: Comma or period missing and misplaced sentence elements.

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