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English-German translation for: emphasis
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Dictionary English German: emphasis

Translation 1 - 48 of 48

English German
NOUN   an emphasis | emphases
SYNO   emphasis | vehemence | accent ... 
SYNO   Betonung | Emphasis | Hervorhebung ... 
Betonung {f}
Schwerpunkt {m}
Gewichtung {f}
Hervorhebung {f}
Nachdruck {m}
Emphase {f}
Akzent {m} [Betonung]
Akzentsetzung {f} [fig.] [Hervorhebung]
print emphasis [typography]Schriftauszeichnung {f}
2 Words: Others
(my emphasis) [parenthetical reference] [cf. emphasis mine; emphasis added](meine Hervorhebung) [nach einem Zitat] [vgl. Hervorhebung durch Verfasser]
2 Words: Nouns
jobs activity emphasisTätigkeitsschwerpunkt {m}
consulting emphasisBeratungsschwerpunkt {m}
double emphasisdoppelte Betonung {f}
emphasis addedHervorhebung {f} des Autors
emphasis mineHervorhebung {f} des Verfassers <Herv. d. Verf.>
emphasis mineHervorhebung {f} von mir
jobs interest emphasisInteressenschwerpunkt {m} <ISP>
main emphasisHauptakzent {m} [fig.]
main emphasisHauptbetonung {f}
main emphasisSchwerpunkt {m} [fig.] [Hauptgewicht]
particular emphasis [attention]besonderes Augenmerk {n}
pointed emphasisPointierung {f}
pointed emphasisZuspitzung {f} [fig.] [Pointierung]
electr. pre-emphasisPräemphase {f} [Anhebung der hohen Frequenzen]
re-emphasisWiederbetonung {f}
research emphasisForschungsschwerpunkt {m}
3 Words: Others
emphasis (in) original [when quoting a written source]Hervorhebung im Original
with dogmatic emphasis {adv}mit dogmatischer Emphase [geh.]
3 Words: Verbs
to change the emphasisden Schwerpunkt verlagern [fig.]
to give emphasis to sth.etw.Dat. Nachdruck verleihen
to lay emphasis on sth. [also fig.]etw.Akk. betonen [auch fig.]
to put emphasis on sth.auf etw.Akk. Wert legen [Redewendung]
to put emphasis on sth.den Akzent [besonderen Wert] auf etw.Akk. setzen
3 Words: Nouns
change of emphasisAkzentverschiebung {f}
change of emphasisSchwerpunktverlagerung {f}
acc. emphasis of matterKernfassung {f} [selten]
electr. frequency pre-emphasisFrequenzpräemphase {f}
shift of emphasisAkzentverschiebung {f} [fig.]
4 Words: Others
with (a) particular emphasis {adv}mit besonderem Nachdruck
with (a) special emphasis {adv}mit besonderem Nachdruck
with an emphasis on sth. {adv}mit (der) Betonung auf etw.
4 Words: Verbs
to place special emphasis on sth.etw. in den Vordergrund rücken [fig.]
to place special emphasis on sth.etw. in den Vordergrund stellen [fig.]
to put the emphasis on sth.die Betonung auf etw.Akk. legen
4 Words: Nouns
shift in / of emphasisSchwerpunktverlagerung {f} [fig.]
shift in / of emphasisVerlagerung {f} des Schwerpunkts [fig.]
5+ Words: Others
The emphasis is on the local area.Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf der Region.
5+ Words: Nouns
(main) emphasis of the collectionSammlungsschwerpunkt {m}
» See 17 more translations for emphasis within comments
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A 2022-12-21: emphasis on the article
A 2022-06-28: "probably will" has a different emphasis
Q 2022-04-01: Abkürzung zu "emphasis mine"
A 2021-10-13: From the DRW, a old example (my emphasis).
A 2021-05-06: there is always a choice of intensity / emphasis
A 2019-11-15: PS (emphasis added by me)
A 2019-01-14: +deary / dearie dear+ has become an old-fashioned reduplication adding emphasis
A 2018-10-03: "dead" is used for emphasis: das (völlige / genaue) Ebenbild
A 2018-05-23: I was looking for the emphasis in the wrong place
A 2017-09-18: "Ain't" can be used legitimately for emphasis.
A 2016-08-12: http://www.dict.cc/?s=with+emphasis+on
Q 2016-08-12: with emphasis on ??
Q 2016-05-02: Laid emphasis
A 2015-11-08: I think you are putting too much emphasis on the single word +it.+
A 2015-08-11: Right, Jim. But I'ld like to have the emphasis on the "magic" figure 100. ...
A 2015-07-22: Re-reading it, I may have slightly altered the emphasis above.
A 2015-02-16: emphasis
A 2014-09-16: For emphasis...
A 2014-07-08: dabei = emphasis, maybe: "false pretences although (T)this includes employ...
A 2014-05-18: Different emphasis.

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• emphasis
emphasis added
emphasise sth.
emphasis (in) original
emphasis mine
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