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English-German translation for: employee
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Dictionary English German: employee

Translation 1 - 50 of 275  >>

English German
NOUN   an employee | employees
jobs employee
Angestellter {m}
Arbeitnehmer {m}
employee <EE>
Mitarbeiter {m} <MA>
employee [female]
Angestellte {f}
jobs employee
Arbeitskraft {f} [einzelner Arbeiter, Angestellter]
Beschäftigter {m}
employee [female]
Mitarbeiterin {f}
employee [female]
Beschäftigte {f}
jobs law employee
Dienstnehmer {m} [bes. österr.: Arbeitnehmer]
employee [female]
Arbeitnehmerin {f}
Belegschaftsmitglied {n}
2 Words: Others
anti-employee {adj}arbeitnehmerfeindlich
employee-friendly {adj}arbeitnehmerfreundlich
econ. employee-owned {adj} [Am.]in Arbeitnehmerhand
2 Words: Nouns
admin. econ. jobs (employee) benefits [such as family leave]Betriebszulagen {pl}
additional employeezusätzliche Kraft {f}
administrative employeeVerwaltungskraft {f}
alien employeeFremdarbeiter {m} [schweiz.] [sonst veraltet]
alien employeeGastarbeiter {m}
bank employeeBankangestellter {m}
bank employeeBankbeamter {m}
bank employeeBankmitarbeiter {m}
bank employee [female]Bankangestellte {f}
casual employeeAushilfskraft {f}
jobs casual employeeGelegenheitsbeschäftigter {m}
jobs cemetery employeeBestattungsfachkraft {f} [Friedhof, Krematorium]
jobs city employeestädtischer Angestellter {m}
jobs civic employeestädtischer Angestellter {m}
mil. civilian employeeZivilangestellter {m}
jobs company employeeAngestellter {m} [Beschäftigter einer Firma]
company employeeBelegschaftsangehöriger {m}
jobs company employeeFirmenmitarbeiter {m}
jobs contract employeeVertragsarbeitnehmer {m}
jobs law court employeeGerichtsmitarbeiter {m}
jobs law court employeeJustizangestellter {m}
jobs law court employee [female]Gerichtsmitarbeiterin {f}
jobs law court employee [female]Justizangestellte {f}
customs employeeZollangestellter {m}
employee accountMitarbeiterkonto {n}
employee assignmentArbeitnehmerüberlassung {f}
jobs employee behavior [Am.]Mitarbeiterverhalten {n}
jobs employee behaviour [Br.]Mitarbeiterverhalten {n}
employee benefitsMitarbeitervergünstigungen {pl}
jobs employee benefitsSozialleistungen {pl}
acc. employee benefits [IAS 19]Leistungen {pl} an Arbeitnehmer [IAS 19]
econ. law employee buyout <EBO>Unternehmensübernahme {f} durch die Belegschaft <EBO>
employee cafeteriaKantine {f}
employee capitalMitarbeiterkapital {n}
econ. sociol. employee competenceMitarbeiterkompetenz {f}
employee contributionMitarbeiteranteil {m}
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A 2024-03-05: employee backgrounds
A 2023-09-04: employee invention disclosure (form) ??
A 2022-03-10: Parität zwischen shareholder and employee
A 2021-10-13: andere Möglichkeiten: Schau mal hier https://www.ecosia.org/search?q=feder...
A 2021-10-12: employee under a collective bargaining agreement
A 2018-11-19: ? professionalized employee / self-employed worker turned businessman
Q 2018-07-24: Officers and Employee compensation
A 2017-07-21: The employee is entrusted with the task of brokering for the employer cont...
A 2016-09-01: The employee agrees to return salary overpayments without consideration of...
A 2016-08-02: Ich kenne "exempt employee" (bzw. entsprechend non-exempt employee)
A 2016-04-13: According to this legal source: Leiharbeiter > agency employee / worker; A...
A 2016-03-06: if it's a typefied agreement you could refer to Lessor - Lessee, Vendor / ...
Q 2014-07-11: A member or an employee?
A 2014-06-27: Personnel and employee benefits
A 2014-05-31: employee in accounting and in accounts
Q 2014-05-31: employee in accounting and in accounts
A 2014-04-23: thinking employee
A 2014-04-23: empowered employee
A 2013-11-10: The Employee's liability is solely based on the terms and conditions in re...
A 2013-08-16: The employee remains being irrevocably released from duty, with his outsta...

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