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English-German translation for: endangered
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Dictionary English German: endangered

Translation 1 - 17 of 17

English German
ADJ   endangered | more endangered | most endangered
VERB  to endanger | endangered | endangered ... 
endangered {adj} {past-p}
sb./sth. endangered
jd./etw. gefährdete
bot. zool. endangered {adj} [species, animal, plant]vom Aussterben bedroht
bot. zool. endangered {adj} <EN> [high risk of extinction in the wild]stark gefährdet [Artenbestand]
2 Words
zool. critically endangered {adj}stark bedroht
bot. zool. critically endangered {adj}vom Aussterben bedroht
to be endangeredin Gefahr sein
bibl. endangered ancestress [biblical motif]Gefährdung {f} der Ahnfrau [biblisches Motiv]
ecol. zool. endangered animalsvom Aussterben bedrohte Tiere {pl}
ling. endangered languagebedrohte Sprache {f}
ling. endangered languagegefährdete Sprache {f}
biol. ecol. endangered speciesbedrohte Art {f}
biol. ecol. endangered speciesvom Aussterben bedrohte Art {f}
bot. ecol. zool. endangered species {pl}gefährdete Arten {pl}
zool. endangered wildlifegefährdete Tierwelt {f}
5+ Words
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora <CITES>Washingtoner Artenschutz-Übereinkommen {n}
ecol. Red List of endangered biotope types [also: red list of ...]Rote Liste {f} der gefährdeten Biotoptypen
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A 2011-08-23: ... exist alongside the milieu of the Endangered middle ... which is about...
A 2007-06-29: none of the parties has asserted that any maintenance claims would be enda...
A 2007-02-26: to be endangered - vom Aussterben bedroht
A 2006-07-23: If these rules are not adhered to, life and materials may be endangered
A 2004-05-18: endangered customers (!)
A 2004-01-13: language death, dying of languages, threatened languages, endangered l's

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