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English-German translation for: ends
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Dictionary English German: ends

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NOUN   an end | ends
VERB  to end | ended | ended
ending | ends
sb./sth. ends
jd./etw. endet
sb. ends
jd. beendet
ends [purposes, goals]
Ziele {pl}
ends [aims, purposes]
Zwecke {pl}
Enden {pl}
ends {pl} [Am.] [coll.] [money]
Asche {f} [ugs.] [Geld]
2 Words: Others
Time ends.Die Frist endet.
2 Words: Nouns
bike bar endsLenkerhörnchen {pl}
biotech. blunt endsstumpfe Enden {pl}
book endsBücherstützen {pl}
both endsbeide Enden {pl}
changing endsÄnderung {f} der Ziele
cigarette endsZigarettenkippen {pl}
dead ends [also fig.]Sackgassen {pl} [auch fig.]
fag ends [Br.] [coll.]Zigarettenkippen {pl}
hair-endsHaarspitzen {pl}
loose ends {pl}Liegengebliebenes {n}
loose ends {pl}Unerledigtes {n}
odd ends [remnants]Überbleibsel {pl} [ugs.] [Gegenstände]
split endsgespaltene Haarspitzen {pl}
split ends {pl} [hair]Haarspliss {m}
split ends {pl} [hair]Spliss {m}
cosmet. split ends {pl} [hair]Spliß {m} [alt] [gespaltene Haarspitzen]
biotech. sticky endsklebrige Enden {pl}
tail endsSchwanzenden {pl}
3 Words: Others
all ends up {adv} [Br.] [coll.] [soundly]gründlich
sports at both ends {adv} [football]auf beiden Seiten
It never ends!Das endet nie!
3 Words: Verbs
to achieve one's endssein Ziel erreichen
to attain one's endsseine Ziele erreichen
to compass one's endsseine Ziele erreichen
to gain one's endsseine Ziele erreichen
idiom to make ends meetauskommen [finanziell knapp zurechtkommen]
idiom to make ends meetsich durchbringen
to make ends meetmit seinen Einkünften auskommen
to make ends meet [coll.]sich einrichten [auskommen]
to make ends meet [idiom]über die Runden kommen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
3 Words: Nouns
sports change of endsSeitenwechsel {m}
sports changes of endsSeitenwechsel {pl}
sports choice of endsSeitenwahl {f}
ends in themselvesSelbstzwecke {pl}
fiber ends face [Am.]Faserendflächen {pl}
fibre ends face [Br.]Faserendflächen {pl}
bike front fork endsEnden {pl} der Vorderradgabel
bike front fork ends [to denote "front fork", 'Ausfallenden' is used in the sense of 'Gabelausfall']Ausfallenden {pl} [ugs.] [Gabelausfall] [Enden der Vorderradgabel]
bike front fork ends {pl}Gabelausfall {m} [fachspr.]
philos. kingdom of ends [Kant]Reich {n} der Zwecke
odds and endsKleinigkeiten {pl}
odds and endsKruscht {m} [regional] [südd.] [ugs.] [Kleinkram]
odds and endsReste {pl}
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A 2021-10-19: Agree with MK's reference to a person who +ends up+ encountering divine grace
Q 2020-03-06: rigid adherence to a rule and ends up destroying the overall objective
Q 2017-09-17: I can't make ends meet
Q 2017-02-23: dimmer racks and cables, great fat red ends
Q 2016-12-06: ends up with a waiting time period
A 2016-07-08: Darn in ends.
A 2015-05-19: +Hoftag+ > great council of the realm Simply calling it +assembly,+ is too...
A 2014-05-21: the ends justify the reasoning
Q 2013-10-27: loose ends flapping around
A 2013-10-20: some more loose ends flapping around...
A 2013-07-19: A suggestion - he was burning (down) his candle of life at/from both ends.
A 2013-06-25: The movie ends at 11.
A 2013-02-01: Proper grammar never ends a sentence with a preposition...
Q 2012-09-05: two ends of the same stick
A 2012-08-11: Life begins at conception and ends at birth.
A 2012-07-16: how it ends?
A 2012-02-11: it means: to live scrooge-like, not necessarily in order to scrape a livin...
A 2011-12-07: Served ends - geschlossene Öhrchen
A 2011-12-06: Typo? ... +severed+ ends ... of a bow
Q 2011-04-28: "all ends up"

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