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English-German translation for: endurance
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Dictionary English German: endurance

Translation 1 - 66 of 66

English German
NOUN   endurance | -
SYNO   endurance | survival
Ausdauer {f}
Durchhaltevermögen {n}
Beständigkeit {f}
Geduld {f}
Dauer {f}
aviat. endurance
Höchstflugdauer {f}
endurance [of pain, hardship etc.]
Erdulden {n}
Stehvermögen {n}
endurance [act of enduring]
Erduldung {f}
Aushaltevermögen {n}
2 Words: Others
beyond endurance {adj}unerträglich
2 Words: Nouns
biol. sports aerobic enduranceaerobe Ausdauer {f}
sports basic enduranceGrundlagenausdauer {f}
electr. tech. electrical endurance [number of cycles until relay failure]elektrische Lebensdauer {f}
sports endurance athleteAusdauerathlet {m}
sports endurance athleteAusdauersportler {m}
sports endurance athlete [female]Ausdauerathletin {f}
sports endurance athlete [female]Ausdauersportlerin {f}
sports endurance athletesAusdauerathleten {pl}
med. sports endurance exerciseAusdauerbelastung {f}
sports endurance exerciseAusdauerübung {f}
endurance limitErmüdungsgrenze {f}
mil. endurance marchLeistungsmarsch {m}
sports endurance raceAusdauerlauf {m}
endurance recordAusdauerrekord {m}
equest. sports endurance ridingDistanzreiten {n}
sports endurance runAusdauerlauf {m}
endurance runDauerlauf {m}
sports endurance runnerDauerläufer {m}
sports endurance runner [female]Dauerläuferin {f}
endurance runsDauerläufe {pl}
sports endurance sportsAusdauersportarten {pl}
sports endurance sports {pl}Ausdauersport {m}
engin. endurance strengthBetriebsfestigkeit {f}
tech. endurance stressDauerbeanspruchung {f}
endurance testAusdauerprüfung {f}
sports endurance testAusdauertest {m}
endurance testBelastungserprobung {f}
endurance testBelastungsprobe {f}
endurance testDauerfestigkeitsprüfung {f}
endurance testDauerprüfung {f}
endurance testDauertest {m}
endurance testDauerversuch {m}
endurance testHaltbarkeitsprüfung {f}
endurance testHärtetest {m}
endurance testLebensdauertest {m}
endurance testZuverlässigkeitsprobe {f}
endurance trainingAusdauertraining {n}
naut. sea endurance [length of time a man or ship can stay at sea]Seeausdauer {m}
sports specific endurancespezielle Ausdauer {f}
sports specific endurancespezifische Ausdauer {f}
sports speed enduranceSchnelligkeitsausdauer {f}
sports strength enduranceKraftausdauer {f}
thermal enduranceWärmebeständigkeit {f} [Dauerstandfestigkeit]
thermal endurancethermische Dauerstandfestigkeit {f}
tyre endurance [Br.]Reifendauerhaftigkeit {f}
tyre endurance [Br.]Reifenhaltbarkeit {f}
3 Words: Nouns
sports endurance running trainingLaufausdauertraining {n}
sports endurance-trained athletesausdauertrainierte Sportler {pl}
sports explosive strength enduranceSchnellkraftausdauer {f}
tech. fatigue endurance limitDauerschwingfestigkeit {f}
electr. final endurance value [e.g. relay] [IEC 60050]Wert {m} am Ende der Lebensdauer [z. B. Relais] [IEC 60050]
functional endurance cableFunktionserhaltkabel {n}
sports strength endurance trainingKraftausdauertraining {n} <KA-Training>
4 Words: Nouns
sports assessment of endurance performanceAusdauerleistungsdiagnostik {f}
aviat. prudence limit of endurance <PLE>verantwortbare Verweil-/ Höchstflugdauer {f}
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Q 2019-02-15: Increases Your Sexual Endurance And Performance
A 2015-05-21: endurance walking
Q 2015-05-21: endurance walking
A 2015-03-16: endurance test
A 2012-06-01: I won't discuss how extended anticipation probably curtails the endurance ...
Q 2011-05-16: Text über Prüfgeräte "Auto-ramp cycling for endurance tests" unbekannt
A 2011-03-03: +perseverance+ might be preferable to +endurance+
A 2011-03-03: The will shapes human beings but it takes courage and endurance to succeed
A 2009-11-23: endurance
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A 2007-06-07: undermined endurance would appreciate hearing a peep out of you because of...
A 2006-06-15: endurance, to save one's strength
Q 2006-06-06: yield endurance
A 2005-03-17: endurance sportS
A 2005-03-17: endurance sport

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• endurance
endurance athlete
endurance athletes
endurance exercise
endurance limit
endurance march
endurance race
endurance record
endurance riding
endurance run
endurance runner

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