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English-German translation for: enemies
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Dictionary English German: enemies

Translation 1 - 37 of 37

English German
NOUN1   enemie | enemies
NOUN2   an enemy | enemies
Feinde {pl}
Gegner {pl}
enemies [adversaries]
Widersacher {pl} [geh.]
2 Words: Others
amidst enemiesvon Feinden umgeben
2 Words: Verbs
to make enemiessichDat. Feinde machen
2 Words: Nouns
arch enemiesErzfeinde {pl}
bitter enemieserbitterte Feinde {pl}
deadly enemiesTodfeinde {pl}
hereditary enemiesErbfeinde {pl}
mortal enemiesTodfeinde {pl}
zool. natural enemiesFressfeinde {pl}
natural enemiesnatürliche Feinde {pl}
public enemiesStaatsfeinde {pl}
sworn enemiesTodfeinde {pl}
mil. sworn enemiesgeschworene Feinde {pl}
3 Words: Others
making enemies ofverfeindend
sb. made enemies ofjd. verfeindete
sb. makes enemies ofjd. verfeindet
3 Words: Verbs
to make enemies of sb.jdn. verfeinden
4 Words: Others
quote Even paranoids have enemies. [attributed to Golda Meir]Selbst paranoide Menschen haben Feinde.
4 Words: Nouns
hist. pol. enemies of the Empire [19th-century Germany]Reichsfeinde {pl}
love for one's enemiesFeindesliebe {f}
relig. love of (one's) enemiesFeindesliebe {f}
5+ Words: Others
lit. quote Into the dust with the enemies of Brandenburg!In Staub mit allen Feinden Brandenburgs! [Heinrich von Kleist in "Prinz Friedrich von Homburg oder die Schlacht bei Fehrbellin"]
film quote Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. [The Godfather Part II]Halte deine Freunde nahe bei dir, aber deine Feinde noch näher.
quote May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I won't. [George S. Patton Jr. - General of the US Army]Möge Gott Gnade mit meinen Feinden haben, denn ich werde sie nicht haben.
proverb Unverified The more enemies, the greater the honor. [Am.]Viel Feind, viel Ehr'.
proverb Unverified The more enemies, the greater the honour. [Br.]Viel Feind, viel Ehr'.
proverb With friends like that, who needs enemies?Mit solchen Freunden braucht man keine Feinde mehr.
proverb With friends like these, who needs enemies?Wer solche Freunde hat, braucht keine Feinde (mehr).
5+ Words: Verbs
to make a lot of enemiessichDat. viele Feinde machen
to suffer death at the hands of one's enemiesdurch die Hand seiner Feinde den Tod erleiden
5+ Words: Nouns
relig. commandment to love one's enemiesGebot {n} der Feindesliebe
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F Against All Enemies [Tom Clancy with Peter Telep]Gegen alle Feinde
lit. F Enemies: A History of the FBI [Tim Weiner]FBI: Die wahre Geschichte einer legendären Organisation
film F I Protect Myself Against My Enemies [US title] [Mario Amendola]Mein Leben hängt an einem Dollar
mus. F See, dear God, how my enemiesSchau, lieber Gott, wie meine Feind [J. S. Bach, BWV 153]
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A 2020-12-29: Incidentally, at the LSE Popper's +Open Society and its Enemies+ was known...
A 2014-07-09: God Save Me from My Friends and from My Enemies I'll Save Myself Alone
A 2013-04-17: enemies become friends
A 2012-03-16: from under the water he saw the enemies approach / approaching
Q 2011-05-12: .....wouldn’t tap the phones of the president’s political enemies, accordi...
A 2009-04-06: A man cannot be too vareful in the choive of his enemies
A 2008-10-24: "Jetzt und jetzt, jetzt und jetzt" describes the enemies pushing on, one a...
Q 2008-08-21: Hence showing the progressive and not immediate way that his friends beca...
Q 2004-01-05: And so began a fragile détente between two fierce enemies. Born not of goo...

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