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English-German translation for: engage
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Dictionary English German: engage

Translation 1 - 50 of 83  >>

English German
VERB  to engage | engaged | engaged ... 
SYNO   to engage | to enlist | to wage ... 
engagé {adj} [writer, artist]politisch engagiert
jobs to engage sb.
jdn. anheuern
to engage sb.
jdn. beschäftigen
jobs to engage sb.
jdn. verpflichten [einstellen, engagieren]
to engage [employ the services of]
einschalten [Anwalt etc.]
mil. to engage [enter into conflict with]
mus. theatre to engage sb. [singer, performer]
jdn. engagieren
jobs to engage sb. [servant, workers]
jdn. einstellen
tech. to engage
to engage sth. [room]
etw. belegen [Zimmer]
to engage sb. [engross]
jdn. fesseln [fig.] [ganz in Beschlag nehmen]
jobs to engage sb. [servant, workers]
jdn. anstellen
to engage [room]
to engage sb. [employ]
jdn. dingen [veraltet] [noch regional]
material to engage
kuppeln [formschlüssig]
tech. to engage [gear wheels]ineinandergreifen lassen
tech. to engage [gear wheels]ineinander greifen lassen [alt]
to engage sb.jdn. in Dienst nehmen
to engage sth. [attention, audience]etw. auf sich ziehen [Aufmerksamkeit, Publikum]
to engage sth. [attention, interest]etw.Akk. in Anspruch nehmen [Aufmerksamkeit]
to engage sth. [e.g. in battle]sichAkk. (intensiv) mit etw.Dat. auseinandersetzen
2 Words: Verbs
to engage accountabilityVerantwortung zeigen
to engage in sth.etw.Akk. betreiben
Unverified to engage in sth. [in politics, social work, etc.]sich in etw.Dat. engagieren [in der Politik, der Sozialarbeit etc.]
to engage in sth. [mesh with]in etw.Akk. eingreifen
to engage in sth. [participate in sth.]sichAkk. an etw.Dat. beteiligen
to engage sb.'s attentionjds. Aufmerksamkeit wecken [und wachhalten]
to engage sb.'s interestjds. Interesse wecken [und wachhalten]
mil. to engage troopsTruppen ins Gefecht führen
to engage with sb./sth.sichAkk. auf jdn./etw. einlassen
to re-engagewieder anstellen
to re-engage sb.jdn. wiederanstellen
to re-engage sb.jdn. wieder beschäftigen
jobs to re-engage sb.jdn. wieder einstellen
to re-engage sb.jdn. wieder fesseln [durch Roman, usw.]
2 Words: Nouns
engage switchBetriebsschalter {m}
3 Words: Others
tech. Engage the catch.Sperre einhängen.
3 Words: Verbs
automot. to engage a geareinen Gang einlegen
law to engage a lawyer(sichDat.) einen Anwalt nehmen
to engage a room [dated]sichDat. ein Zimmer nehmen
automot. to engage first gearden ersten Gang einlegen
ecol. econ. to engage in greenwashingsichDat. einen grünen Anstrich geben / verpassen [sich ein umweltfreundliches Image zulegen]
pol. Unverified to engage in politicssich politisch betätigen
sports to engage in sportsSport treiben
to engage oneself in sth.sichAkk. mit etw.Dat. eingehend beschäftigen
to engage sb. in conversationjdn. in ein Gespräch verwickeln
to engage sb. to do sth.jdn. mit etw.Dat. beauftragen
aviat. to engage the autopilotden Autopiloten einschalten
automot. to engage the clutcheinkuppeln
automot. to engage the clutchkuppeln
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A 2016-02-22: they mesh with / engage with the inner teeth of a ring / internal gear
A 2015-10-06: Don't engage in rumour-mongering, Sasso
A 2014-06-01: to engage in collaboration
A 2013-04-09: to engage the audience
Q 2013-04-09: to engage sb.
A 2012-11-12: @Puchenau: you were supposed to laugh at the joke, not engage in lexical c...
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A 2011-09-27: to engage the Council in official and public dealings with a country
A 2011-03-26: Engage the articulation lock.
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Q 2010-02-24: engage your senses
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