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English-German translation for: engaged
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Dictionary English German: engaged

Translation 1 - 67 of 67

English German
ADJ   engaged | - | -
VERB  to engage | engaged | engaged ... 
SYNO   engaged | occupied | intermeshed ... 
engaged {adj} {past-p} [busy]
engaged {adj} {past-p} [affianced]
engaged {adj} {past-p} [unavailable, occupied]
engaged {adj} {past-p} [employed the services of]
engaged {adj} {past-p} [locked in place]
engaged {adj} [unavailable]
engaged {adj} {past-p} [unavailable, occupied]
engaged {adj} {past-p} [obligated]
jobs engaged {adj} {past-p} [workers]
angeheuert [ugs.]
engaged {adj} {past-p} [hired]
tech. engaged {adj} [cogwheel etc.]im Eingriff [nachgestellt] [Zahnrad usw.]
engaged {adj} [not available]nicht abkömmlich
2 Words: Others
becoming engaged {pres-p} [affianced]verlobend
engaged in sth. {adj} [active]tätig in etw.Dat.
engaged with [in a fight]im Gefecht mit [auch fig.]
tech. frictionally engaged {adj}reibschlüssig
just engaged {adj} [affianced]frisch verlobt
newly engaged {adj} [affianced]frisch verlobt
otherwise engaged {adj}anderweitig beschäftigt
sb. became engaged [affianced]jd. verlobte sich
sb. re-engagedjd. stellte wieder an
socially-engaged {adj} {past-p}gesellschaftlich engagiert
2 Words: Verbs
to be engaged [busy]beschäftigt sein
to become engaged [affianced]sichAkk. verloben
to get engaged [affianced]sichAkk. verloben
2 Words: Nouns
archi. engaged columnBlendsäule {f}
archi. engaged columnDienst {m}
archi. engaged columneingebundene Säule {f}
archi. engaged columnvorgelegte Säule {f}
engaged coupleBrautpaar {n}
engaged coupleVerlobte {pl}
engaged coupleverlobtes Paar {n}
engaged couple {sg}Brautleute {pl} [Paar vor der Hochzeit]
engaged indicatorBesetztanzeiger {m}
engaged lampBesetztlampe {f}
art engaged leg [of a classical statue in contrapposto pose]Standbein {n} [bei einer Statue im klassischen Kontrapost]
engaged machinery {sg}eingesetzte Maschinen {pl}
telecom. engaged signalBesetztzeichen {n}
telecom. engaged toneBesetztzeichen {n}
3 Words: Others
Are you engaged? [busy]Bist du beschäftigt?
because sb. re-engagedweil jd. wieder anstellte
engaged in business {adj} [postpos.]geschäftlich tätig
engaged in shipping {adj} [postpos.]schifffahrtbetreibend
automot. no gear engagedkein Gang eingelegt
sb. has / had engaged [hired]jd. hat / hatte gedungen
3 Words: Verbs
to be engaged in sth.in etw.Dat. begriffen sein
to be engaged to sb.mit jdm. verlobt sein
to be otherwise engagedanderweitig beschäftigt sein
to be otherwise engaged [at a future time]etwas anderes vorhaben
3 Words: Nouns
the engaged coupledie Verlobten {pl}
4 Words: Others
engaged in a business {adj} [postpos.]an einem Geschäft beteiligt
comm. engaged in international trade {adj} [postpos.]im internationalen Handel tätig
4 Words: Verbs
to be actively engaged (in)sich aktiv engagieren (in, für ...)
to be busily engaged in sth.eifrig mit etw.Dat. beschäftigt sein
to be engaged in businessgeschäftlich tätig sein
to be engaged in doing sth.mit etw.Dat. beschäftigt sein
agr. to be engaged in farmingin der Landwirtschaft tätig sein / arbeiten
to be engaged in researchbeschäftigt sein mit Forschungsarbeit
4 Words: Nouns
comm. woman engaged in businessGeschäftsfrau {f}
5+ Words: Others
Unverified engaged to be married (to sb.) {adj} {past-p}verlobt (mit jdm.)
My time is fully engaged.Ich bin zeitlich völlig ausgelastet.
The line is busy (engaged).Die Leitung ist besetzt.
unless you are otherwise engagedwenn Sie nichts anderes vorhaben [formelle Anrede]
5+ Words: Verbs
RadioTV to be engaged for a radio recording [actors, musicians]einen Funk haben [österr.] [ugs.] [Schauspielerjargon]
to be engaged in a businessan einem Geschäft beteiligt sein
mil. pol. to be engaged in a warin einen Krieg verwickelt sein
Unverified to become engaged to be married (to sb.)sich (mit jdm.) verloben
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A 2020-03-23: ... someone who engaged in all kinds of studies ...
A 2015-06-19: Have you already engaged in hot pursuit today, MichaelK?
A 2015-05-12: engaged, came to grips with (implied object of the Nazi critique)
Q 2015-02-17: de-school/engaged in
A 2014-12-12: engaged to each other - vermutlich: ineinander verrastet
A 2014-10-29: Old locks on toilet doors always used to say vacant / engaged.
A 2012-12-03: The pastor speaks to the engaged couple,
A 2011-05-28: people engaged in ... I like that. Thanks!
A 2011-04-06: Actually, she was engaged to a guy called Gros-Pierre.
A 2010-07-28: Bei "engaged" oder "disengaged" bin ich mir immer noch unsicher
A 2010-01-07: UK: ... lines are engaged ... (The Americanism +busy+ is no longer felt to...
A 2009-11-03: you're probably still engaged with your RUHR story, aren't you --- and now...
A 2009-08-29: "to study" to be engaged with subject matter with the intent of learning; ...
Q 2009-03-22: socially engaged practice
A 2009-02-19: Yes, +been engaged+ sounds more modest
A 2009-02-19: For some time now I have BEEN engaged. . . (oder) have been engagING . . .
A 2008-04-14: takes part, cotributes to, is engaged in?
A 2008-02-27: it has engaged too little in that subject so it lags ...
A 2007-11-25: @Janny - manche sagen fuer vergeben auch engaged .... muss nicht glei...
A 2007-11-25: already engaged .... ???

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