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English-German translation for: engineers
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Dictionary English German: engineers

Translation 1 - 19 of 19

English German
NOUN   an engineer | engineers
VERB  to engineer | engineered | engineered
engineering | engineers
Ingenieure {pl}
2 Words
hist. mil. assault engineers [WWII, German Armed Forces]Sturmpioniere {pl} [2. WK, dt. Wehrmacht]
consulting engineersIngenieurbüro {n}
electrical engineersElektroingenieure {pl}
tools engineers pliers {pl} [one pair]Kombizange {f}
3 Words
(engineers') knife fileMesserfeile {f}
mil. Corps of EngineersPionierkorps {n}
Engineers Without Borders <EWB>Ingenieure ohne Grenzen <INGOG>
engineers' knife fileMesser-Werkstattfeile {f}
engin. tech. team of engineersIngenieursteam {n}
team of engineersIngenieurteam {n}
4 Words
engin. Association of German EngineersVerein {m} Deutscher Ingenieure <VDI>
factory-trained service engineersim Werk ausgebildete Service-Techniker {pl}
factory-trained service engineers [with degree qualification]im Werk ausgebildete Service-Ingenieure {pl}
5+ Words
American Society of Mechanical Engineers <ASME>ASME {f} [Berufsverband der Maschinenbauingenieure in den USA]
comp. electr. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers <IEEE>IEEE {n} [weltweiter Berufsverband von Ingenieuren aus den Bereichen Elektrotechnik und Informatik]
Official Scale (of Fees for Services by Architects and Engineers)Honorarordnung {f} (für Architekten und Ingenieure)
Swiss Society of Engineers and ArchitectsSchweizerischer Ingenieur- und Architektenverein {m} <SIA>
constr. engin. mil. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers <USACE>[ein Hauptkommando der US Armee, das Leistungen aus dem Bereich des Bauingenieurwesens ausführt]
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A 2018-07-06: For the engineers there was no problem.
A 2016-01-10: Chamber of Engineers
A 2015-08-13: @Jim46: "lubrications" is definitely used by English-speaking engineers, s...
A 2014-12-28: Cf. neighbouring Canada: Corps du Génie royal canadien > Corps of Royal Ca...
A 2013-04-27: Engineers
Q 2012-07-19: Satzproblem - engineers clearly marked
Q 2012-04-19: Are there any engineers? Is "N-m" the same as "Nm"?
A 2011-01-30: centre for despatch engineers ?
Q 2011-01-23: Text über Brandgefahren - "I&E Engineers" unbekannt
A 2009-11-19: Some say the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers defines the word 'incompetence.'
A 2009-04-07: promotion of a new generation of engineers
A 2009-04-07: Promotion of junior engineers ??
A 2009-02-12: [AE] consulting engineers; professional engineers
Q 2009-01-06: survey engineer bzw. surveys od engineers
A 2008-06-27: well, before I read geric's comment I thought the engineers arrive on Sund...
A 2006-09-28: Begriff einführen, eigene Abkürzung in Klammern daneben, dann nur noch Abk...
A 2006-08-07: ? selective exchange of views with design engineers
A 2006-07-29: Or else: we are chiefly seeking engineers for development tasks < NB: Entw...
A 2006-07-29: we are mainly looking for engineers for development tasks???
A 2006-05-03: a team of (sorry) specialized engineers

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