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English-German translation for: enough!
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Dictionary English German: enough

Translation 1 - 50 of 293  >>

English German
SYNO   enough | sufficiency | plenty ... 
enough {adj} {adv}
enough {adj} {adv}
enough {adj} {adv}
Schluss! [Jetzt ist es genug! / Es reicht!]
Sense! [ugs.] [Jetzt ist es genug! / Schluss!]
enough {adj} {adv}
2 Words: Others
(often) enough {adv}zur Genüge [oft genug (gehört, gesehen, gesagt, etc.)]
abundant enough {adj}reichlich genug
adaptable enough {adj}genügend anpassungsfähig
amazingly (enough) {adv}erstaunlicherweise
appropriately enough {adv}passenderweise
astonishingly enough {adv}erstaunlicherweise
bad enough {adj}schlimm genug
barely enough {adj}kaum genug
big enough {adj}groß genug [nur prädikativ]
big enough {adj} [coll.] [old enough]alt genug [nur prädikativ]
Close enough.Passt schon.
confusingly enough {adv}verwirrenderweise
crazily enough {adv}verrückterweise
curiously (enough) {adv}eigenartigerweise
curiously enough {adv}eigentümlicherweise
curiously enough {adv}kurioserweise
curiously enough {adv}merkwürdigerweise
early enough {adj} {adv}rechtzeitig
Enough already!Jetzt reichts mir langsam!
Enough already! [Am.] [coll.]Es reicht!
Enough already! [Am.] [coll.]Genug jetzt!
Enough already! [Am.] [coll.]Schluss jetzt!
Enough said.Es ist alles gesagt.
Enough talk.Genug geredet.
enough times {adv}(nur) oft genug
fair enoughin Ordnung
fair enoughschön und gut
fair enough {adv} [coll.]verständlich
Fair enough!Also gut, meinetwegen! [ugs.]
Fair enough! [coll.]Na schön! [ugs.]
Unverified Fair enough! [coll.](Ganz) wie du meinst! [ugs.]
Fair enough.Na gut.
Fair enough. [coll.]Bitte. [ugs.] [Wie du meinst.]
Fair enough. [coll.]Dagegen ist nichts einzuwenden.
fortunately enough {adv} [nothing serious has happened]wenigstens [ist nichts Schlimmes passiert]
funnily enough {adv}komischerweise [ugs.]
funnily enough {adv}lustigerweise
funnily enough {adv}merkwürdigerweise
funnily enough {adv}originellerweise
funnily enough {adv}ulkigerweise [ugs.] [komischerweise]
Funnily enough, ...Witzigerweise ...
good enough {adj}gut genug [nur prädikativ]
innocuous enough {adj}ganz harmlos
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A 2023-03-29: Fair enough, romy
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A 2022-12-28: ironically enough - doesn't fit imho
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A 2018-06-27: „Sitz“ broad enough to cover the place of incorporation
A 2018-06-12: not good enough
A 2018-05-16: OK, true enough -
A 2018-03-13: AE/ general English +enough to go around+ / BE +enough to go round+
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A 2017-12-30: Anybody fool enough to dial such a number or to click on such a link?
A 2017-09-24: ... which the authors endeavor to test. / Curiously enough, the author's (...

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