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English-German translation for: entartete Kunst
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Dictionary English German: entartete Kunst

Translation 1 - 50 of 175  >>

art hist. pol. degenerate artentartete Kunst {f}
Partial Matches
sth. degeneratedetw. entartete
phys. degenerate matterentartete Materie {f}
hist. mus. degenerate musicentartete Musik {f}
math. degenerate distributionentartete Verteilung {f}
med. degenerative cellentartete Zelle {f}
biol. med. degenerated cellsentartete Zellen {pl}
hist. Albert II, the DegenerateAlbrecht (II.) {m} der Entartete
art art {adj} [attr.]Kunst-
art artKunst {f}
artistry [artistic quality]Kunst {f}
art lit. mus. artsKunst {f}
craft [skill]Kunst {f} [Geschicklichkeit]
trickKunst {f} [Kunststück]
art ABC artABC-Kunst {f}
art minimal artABC-Kunst {f}
art abstract artabstrakte Kunst {f}
art hist. academic artAkademische Kunst {f}
mus. acoustic artakustische Kunst {f}
art applied artangewandte Kunst {f}
art anti-artAnti-Kunst {f}
dying artaussterbende Kunst {f}
art avant-garde artAvantgarde-Kunst {f}
art visual arts {pl}bildende Kunst {f}
art Christian artchristliche Kunst {f}
theatre dramatic artsdarstellende Kunst {f}
dance mus. theatre performing arts {pl}darstellende Kunst {f}
decadent artdekadente Kunst {f}
art comp. digital arts {pl}digitale Kunst {f}
distinguished arterlesene Kunst {f}
art non-representational artgegenstandslose Kunst {f}
art generative artgenerative Kunst {f}
art graphicsgraphische Kunst {f}
art iconic artikonische Kunst {f}
art educ. Islamic artislamische Kunst {f}
art kinetic artkinetische Kunst {f}
art classical artklassische Kunst {f}
art relig. Coptic artkoptische Kunst {f}
culinary artkulinarische Kunst {f}
art hist. Mosan artMaasländische Kunst {f}
art maritime artmaritime Kunst {f}
art naïve artNaive Kunst {f}
art hist. Nazi artNS-Kunst {f}
decorative artornamentale Kunst {f}
art ornamental artornamentale Kunst {f}
art plastic arts {pl}plastische Kunst {f}
mus. polyphonic artpolyphone Kunst {f}
art realistic artrealistische Kunst {f}
art X-ray artRöntgen-Kunst {f}
esot. print black artSchwarze Kunst {f}
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Ähnliche Begriffe
• entartete Kunst
entartete Materie
entartete Musik
entarteter Halbleiter
entartetes lineares Problem
entartete Verteilung
entartete Zelle
entartete Zellen

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