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English-German translation for: environmentally friendly
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Dictionary English German: environmentally friendly

Translation 1 - 50 of 229  >>

ecol. environmentally friendly {adj}klimafreundlich
ecol. environmentally friendly {adj}umweltfreundlich
environmentally friendly {adj}umweltschonend
ecol. environmentally friendly {adj}umweltverträglich
Keywords contained
ecol. more environmentally friendly {adj}umweltfreundlicher
ecol. most environmentally friendly {adj}umweltfreundlichste
chem. environmentally friendly chemicalsumweltverträgliche Chemikalien {pl}
environmentally friendly fuelÖkosprit {m} [ugs.] [Benzin / Diesel]
archi. engin. ecol. environmentally friendly materialsumweltverträgliche Materialien {pl}
Partial Matches
ecol. environmentally {adv}ökologisch
environmentally {adv}umweltbedingt
ecol. (environmentally) sustainable {adj}umweltverträglich
ecol. environmentally acceptable {adj}umweltverträglich
ecol. environmentally appropriate {adj}umweltgerecht
ecol. environmentally aware {adj}umweltbewusst
ecol. environmentally benign {adj}umweltfreundlich
environmentally benign {adj}umweltverträglich
ecol. environmentally certified {adj}umweltzertifiziert
environmentally compatible {adj}umweltgerecht
environmentally compatible {adj}umweltschonend
environmentally compatible {adj}umweltverträglich
ecol. environmentally compliant {adj}umweltgerecht
ecol. environmentally conscious {adj}umweltbewusst
environmentally correct {adj}umweltgerecht
ecol. environmentally damaging {adj}umweltschädigend
ecol. environmentally harmful {adj}umweltfeindlich
ecol. environmentally harmful {adj}umweltschädlich
ecol. environmentally hazardous {adj}umweltgefährdend
environmentally hazardous {adj}umweltschädlich
environmentally relevant {adj}umweltrelevant
ecol. environmentally safe {adj}umweltsicher
ecol. environmentally safe {adj}umweltverträglich
environmentally sealed {adj}umgebungsfest abgedichtet
ecol. environmentally sound {adj}umweltfreundlich
environmentally sound {adj}umweltgerecht
ecol. environmentally sound {adj}umweltverträglich
ecol. environmentally stressed {adj}umweltbelastet
ecol. environmentally suitable {adj}umweltgerecht
ecol. environmentally sustainable {adj}ökologisch nachhaltig
ecol. environmentally unfriendly {adj}nicht umweltfreundlich
ecol. environmentally unfriendly {adj}umweltschädlich
environmentally-balanced {adj}umweltgerecht
environmentally hazardous substancesumweltgefährdende Stoffe {pl}
ecol. sociol. environmentally conscious behavior [Am.]umweltbewusstes Verhalten {n}
to be more environmentally awareumweltbewusster leben / sein
ecol. in an environmentally responsible way {adv}umweltgerecht
art environmentally {adv} [i.e. in a painting]environmental
ecol. to dispose of sth. in an environmentally sound manneretw. auf eine umweltverträgliche Weise beseitigen
friendly {adj}befreundet
friendly {adj}freundlich
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A 2013-04-28: environmentally friendly
A 2009-11-08: Could it be efficient for companies to obtain their energy from their own ...
A 2009-01-27: [environmentally friendly and] resource-saving production methods
A 2007-12-22: 'They must start to act/behave in a way that is environmentally friendly' ...
A 2007-09-19: I prefer more environmentally friendly
A 2007-09-19: Environmentally friendly is a very common phrase
A 2007-08-01: is manufactured in a particularly eco-friendly / environmentally friendly way
A 2006-05-14: Here are some situations where *I'M* not so environmentALLY friendly
A 2005-02-23: environmentally friendly

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