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English-German translation for: envy
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Dictionary English German: envy

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NOUN1   an envy | envies
NOUN2   envy | -
VERB  to envy | envied | envied ... 
SYNO   to begrudge | to envy | envy | invidia ... 
to envy sb.
jdn. beneiden
to envy sb.
jdn. begeizen [veraltet]
to envy sb.auf jdn. neidisch sein
to envy sb. sth.jdn. um etw.Akk. beneiden
Neid {m}
Eifersucht {f}
relig. envy [invidia, deadly sin]
Neid {m} [Invidia, Todsünde]
Schelsucht {f} [veraltet] [Neid]
envyScheelsucht {f} [veraltend] [Neid]
envy [object of envy]Neidobjekt {n}
2 Words: Others
without envy {adv} [acknowledge, admire]neidlos [anerkennen, bewundern]
2 Words: Verbs
to arouse envyNeid erzeugen
to arouse sb.'s envybei jdm. Neid erwecken
to arouse sb.'s envybei jdm. Neid erzeugen
to arouse sb.'s envybei jdm. Neid hervorrufen
to envy sb. for sth.jdn. um etw.Akk. beneiden
2 Words: Nouns
childish envykindische Eifersucht {f}
pol. sociol. class envyKlassenneid {m}
psych. penis envyPenisneid {m}
pure envyheller Neid {m}
pure envypurer Neid {m}
pure envyreiner Neid {m}
social envySozialneid {m}
theatre stage envy [coll.] [rare]Bühnenneid {m} [ugs.] [selten]
psych. womb envyGebärneid {m}
3 Words: Others
consumed with envy {adj} [postpos.]von Neid verzehrt
green with envy {adj} [idiom]gelb vor Neid [Redewendung]
green with envy {adj} [idiom]grün vor Neid [Redewendung]
mad with envy {adj} [postpos.]außer sich vor Neid
3 Words: Verbs
idiom to burst with envyvor Neid platzen
to conceal one's envyseinen Neid verstecken
to meet with envybeneidet werden
3 Words: Nouns
feelings {pl} of envyNeidempfinden {n}
feelings of envyNeidgefühle {pl}
4 Words: Others
consumed with / by envy [idiom]von Neid zerfressen [Redewendung]
I envy your calm.Ich beneide Sie um Ihre Ruhe / Gelassenheit. [formelle Anrede]
4 Words: Verbs
to be devoured by envy [idiom]von / vom Neid zerfressen sein [Redewendung]
to envy sb. in many waysjdn. in vielem beneiden
idiom to go green with envyvor Neid erblassen
idiom to go green with envyvor Neid platzen
idiom to go green with envyblass vor Neid werden
to make sb. green with envyjdn. vor Neid erblassen lassen
5+ Words: Verbs
to be eaten up with envy [idiom]von Neid zerfressen sein [Redewendung]
idiom to be the envy of allvon allen beneidet werden
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F Envy [Sandra Brown]Envy - Neid
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A 2016-04-18: https://www.google.co.uk/#q=%22not+without+a+touch+of+envy%22
A 2015-12-30: https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/joy-and-pain/201401/what-is-the-diffe...
A 2015-02-22: Diese "your envy is my ..." Vorschläge lesen sich in Englisch nicht gut.
A 2013-10-02: I say - the US government, operating in furlough mode, is the envy of the ...
A 2012-06-13: Strictly from personal observation: positive or even admiringly, perhaps w...
A 2010-12-03: I know... But still! Can't help to envy you!
A 2009-12-08: Why? Jealousy is the same as envy which is a Cardinal Sin already.
A 2008-09-30: "nach jdm. schielen" - actually means "to envy sb." by looking towards him...
A 2008-04-26: I dont envy you...gave them up a while back..still have Bunjes, but DE-EN,...
A 2008-02-16: However, even within me anger, envy, or jealousy break out sometimes.
A 2008-01-24: I envy you
A 2007-11-21: I don't envy you...
A 2007-07-31: viel Spass, godesia...give my regards to beautiful Alsace...I envy you
A 2007-04-15: Global receipt ? I really don't envy you this particular piece of work!
A 2007-03-25: I don't envy you, godesia :-)
A 2006-12-15: I don't envy you for translating that sort of stuff!
A 2006-11-12: I don't envy you...
A 2006-10-11: e stands for envy
A 2006-08-07: I don't envy you. OK my last attempt: How about minimalist / frugal design..??

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