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English-German translation for: equivalent
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Dictionary English German: equivalent

Translation 1 - 50 of 156  >>

English German
ADJ   equivalent | more equivalent | most equivalent
NOUN   an equivalent | equivalents
SYNO   combining weight | eq | equivalent ... 
equivalent {adj}
equivalent {adj}
equivalent {adj}
equivalent {adj}
equivalent {adv}
equivalent {adj} [corresponding]
equivalent {adj}von gleichem Wert
Entsprechung {f}
Äquivalent {n}
Pendant {n} [geh.]
Gegenwert {m}
equivalent [counterpart]
Gegenstück {n}
Ausgleich {m}
Gleichwert {m}
2 Words: Others
tech. equivalent to {adj}baugleich mit
equivalent togleichbedeutend mit
math. homotopy equivalent {adj}homotopieäquivalent
audio MedTech. noise-equivalent {adj}rauschäquivalent
med. tissue-equivalent {adj}gewebsäquivalent
weakly equivalent {adj}schwach äquivalent
2 Words: Nouns
audio med. tech. acoustic equivalenthörbares Äquivalent {n}
air equivalentLuftäquivalent {n}
MedTech. Al equivalentAl-Gleichwert {m}
cash equivalentBarwert {m}
acc. fin. cash equivalentZahlungsmitteläquivalent {n}
coal equivalentSteinkohleeinheit {f} <SKE>
dose equivalentÄquivalentdosis {f} [Strahlenschutz]
MedTech. phys. unit dose equivalentDosisäquivalent {n}
energy equivalentEnergieäquivalent {n}
energy equivalentenergetisches Äquivalent {n}
equivalent circuitErsatzschaltkreis {m}
equivalent circuitErsatzschaltung {f}
chem. equivalent concentrationÄquivalentkonzentration {f}
drugs pharm. equivalent doseÄquivalenzdosierung {f}
MedTech. pharm. phys. equivalent doseÄquivalenzdosis {f}
MedTech. phys. equivalent dose <H>Äquivalentdosis {f} <H>
MedTech. equivalent filtrationäquivalente Filterung {f}
econ. jobs equivalent incomeÄquivalenzeinkommen {n}
math. equivalent inequalitiesäquivalente Ungleichungen {pl}
law equivalent interestÄquivalenzinteresse {n} [Status ad quem]
chem. equivalent massÄquivalentmasse {f}
equivalent networkErsatznetz {n} [Systemtheorie]
equivalent networkErsatzschaltung {f}
equivalent occupationgleichwertige Beschäftigung {f}
equivalent solution [to a problem, etc.]gleichwertige Lösung {f}
equivalent strainVergleichsdehnung {f}
equivalent stressVergleichsspannung {f}
meteo. equivalent temperatureÄquivalenttemperatur {f}
math. equivalent transformationÄquivalenzumformung {f}
equivalent typesÄquivalenztypen {pl}
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A 2023-11-17: The words “SYNO Intimbereich | Intimsphäre” below should also be deleted....
A 2023-05-17: Agree, in this context it would be a form. Paper in this context is equiva...
A 2022-06-28: I'm looking for a German equivalent
Q 2022-03-14: "Semester/Subject Credit Hour Equivalent"
A 2021-12-13: In the U.S. Navy, the current equivalent would be the "Food Service Officer."
A 2021-11-05: @Lllama: "at the argument" is equivalent to "( ... ) point at x = "
A 2021-08-28: I'm afraid I cannot think of an all-encompassing German equivalent
A 2020-07-08: PS: The German terms are highly formal, so the English equivalent would of...
A 2020-02-19: equivalent in Maltese and EU law
A 2019-10-16: it seems to be a set phrase in German - is there an English equivalent?
Q 2019-10-13: The Four Yorkshiremen sketch / What would be a US equivalent?
Q 2019-10-04: Need an equivalent for the German journalistic term "Infotext"
A 2019-03-22: Calpol is paracetamol in liquid form, Mexalen Sirup is the equivalent here...
A 2018-02-01: Is this an equivalent to the MCAT® then?
A 2018-01-02: Frequencywise, +einer KV beitreten > take out health insurance+ are fairly...
A 2017-11-10: The English equivalent of the common name +Huber+ is +Hewish / Huish+ or +Hyde+
A 2017-08-03: +ideengeschichtlich+ has no equivalent adjective in
A 2017-05-05: should be "equivalent" university degree, ending in "t", not "cy"
A 2016-11-30: An English equivalent might be +slag+ or +slut+ — vocabulary beloved of ma...
A 2016-10-25: A German equivalent of +for all I know+ uttered in the sense so beloved of...

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