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English-German translation for: era
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Dictionary English German: era

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NOUN   an era | eras
SYNO   era | geological era | epoch | era ... 
Epoche {f}
Ära {f}
Zeitalter {n}
Zeitraum {m}
Zeitabschnitt {m}
Zeit {f} [Zeitalter]
geol. era
Erdzeitalter {n}
2 Words: Others
90s-era ... [e.g. 90s-era fashion]... der Neunziger [ugs.] [der 1990er Jahre] [z. B. Mode der Neunziger]
colonial-era {adj} [attr.]kolonialzeitlich
hist. depression era {adj} [attr.]aus der Zeit der Weltwirtschaftskrise
era-specific {adj}zeitbedingt [durch die Gegebenheiten eines Zeitalters bedingt]
hist. Soviet-era {adj} [attr.]aus Sowjetzeiten [nachgestellt]
2 Words: Nouns
art hist. mus. Baroque eraBarockzeitalter {n}
hist. Bismarck eraBismarckzeit {f}
hist. Bismarck eraBismarck-Ära {f} [auch: Bismarckära]
bygone eralängst vergangene Ära {f}
hist. Celtic eraKeltenzeit {f}
hist. Christian erachristliche Zeitrechnung {f}
hist. colonial eraKolonialära {f}
hist. colonial eraKolonialzeit {f}
Common Era <CE, C.E.>christliche Zeitrechnung {f}
comp. computer eraComputerzeitalter {n}
astron. phys. decoupling eraEntkopplungsära {f}
econ. hist. Depression (era) [esp. the 1930s]Depressionszeit {f}
hist. depression eraZeit {f} der Weltwirtschaftskrise
comp. digital eraDigitalära {f}
digital eradigitales Zeitalter {n}
hist. Elizabethan eraelisabethanisches Zeitalter {n}
hist. Elizabethan era [1558 - 1603]Elisabethanisches Zeitalter {n}
fashion eraModeepoche {f}
geol. geologic eraErdzeitalter {pl}
geol. geological eraErdzeitalter {n}
hist. lit. Goethe eraGoethezeit {f}
hist. Hanseatic eraHansezeit {f}
archaeo. hist. Helladic eraHelladikum {n}
hist. hippie eraHippiezeit {f}
historical eraGeschichtsepoche {f}
hist. Hitler eraHitlerzeit {f}
hist. Hohenstaufen eraStauferzeit {f}
hist. Imperial EraKaiserzeit {f}
hist. print publ. incunabula eraInkunabelzeit {f}
hist. industrial eraIndustriezeitalter {n}
hist. Isabelline eraIsabellinisches Zeitalter {n}
astron. phys. matter eraMaterieära {f}
hist. pol. McCarthy eraMcCarthy-Ära {f}
geol. Mesozoic eraMesozoikum {n}
modern eraModerne {f}
hist. modern eraNeuzeit {f}
hist. Napoleonic Eranapoleonische Zeit {f}
hist. Nazi eraNS-Zeit {f}
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Q 2020-12-28: 32 words and phrases associated with the Trump era
A 2020-08-18: the historical turn of an era absolute
Q 2018-08-19: Corpus of Founding Era American English
Q 2015-07-12: Era of Empire all servers are under maintenance, the entry to the game is ...
Q 2015-05-11: Archival terms - Holocaust era
A 2014-04-11: English also belongs to the post-Roman era.
A 2014-04-11: a half-free man, a client; the term +serf+ belongs to the post-Roman era a...
Q 2014-01-17: Review einer Übersetzung, Bankdetails - was soll "ERA 600-konform" sein? (...
Q 2013-07-15: Späthippie (someone who came on the scene towards the end of the hippie era)
Q 2012-11-28: BCE (before the Common Era)
Q 2011-02-17: the post-genome era
A 2010-10-15: The new IT era / Emerging IT serves ...
A 2010-02-06: an era of prosperity
A 2010-02-02: it is a direct expression of being turned towards the modern era
A 2009-09-01: let's say kurfürstenstrasse, not founders' era but...........??????
A 2009-07-06: For anyone interested in that era of history, I recommend the inteview wit...
A 2009-06-16: "él era practicamente" for the last one?
A 2009-04-16: The Victorian era was the classic time for smog,
A 2009-04-15: embarking upon a new era of dentistry?
A 2009-03-16: the charm of a bygone era

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