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English-German translation for: estimated
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Dictionary English German: estimated

Translation 1 - 48 of 48

English German
VERB  to estimate | estimated | estimated ... 
estimated {adj} {past-p}
estimated {adj} {past-p} <est.>
geschätzt <gesch.>
estimated {adj} {past-p}
estimated {adj}
estimated {adj} {past-p}
sb. estimated
jd. schätzte
estimated {adj}
2 Words: Others
prudently estimated {adv}vorsichtig geschätzt
2 Words: Nouns
estimated amountgeschätzter Betrag {m}
estimated consumptiongeschätzter Verbrauch {m}
estimated damagegeschätzter Schaden {m}
estimated distancegeschätzte Entfernung {f}
estimated distancegeschätzter Abstand {m} [Entfernung]
estimated inventorygeschätztes Inventar {n}
estimated lifegeschätzte Lebensdauer {f}
estimated milliongeschätzte Million {f}
estimated outputgeschätzte Leistung {f}
art comm. estimated priceSchätzpreis {m}
estimated pricegeschätzter Preis {m}
comm. fin. estimated price <EP>Circapreis {m} <ca.-Preis> [auch: Circa-Preis]
comm. fin. estimated price <EP>Zirkapreis {m} [Rsv.] <ca.-Preis>
estimated probabilitygeschätzte Wahrscheinlichkeit {f}
estimated surplusgeschätzter Überschuss {m}
estimated taxgeschätzte Steuer {f}
estimated timeerwartete Zeit {f}
estimated timegeschätzte Zeit {f}
estimated valueErwartungswert {m}
econ. estimated valueSchätzungswert {m}
estimated valueSchätzwert {m}
estimated valuegeschätzter Wert {m}
3 Words: Nouns
med. estimated due date <EDD>errechneter Entbindungstermin {m}
aviat. estimated elapsed time <EET> [flight time]voraussichtliche Flugdauer {f}
insur. estimated maximum loss <EML>geschätzter Höchstschaden {m}
tech. estimated service lifevoraussichtliche Nutzungsdauer {f}
4 Words: Others
It is estimated that ... {adv}Schätzungsweise ...
4 Words: Nouns
aviat. estimated time en route <ETE>geschätzte Flugzeit {f}
aviat. naut. estimated time of arrival <ETA>geschätzte Ankunftszeit {f}
aviat. naut. estimated time of arrival <ETA>voraussichtliche Ankunftszeit {f}
aviat. estimated time of departure <ETD>geschätzte Abflugzeit {f}
naut. estimated time of departure <ETD>voraussichtliche Abfahrtszeit {f}
aviat. estimated time of departure <ETD>voraussichtliche Abflugzeit {f}
naut. estimated time of sailing <ETS>voraussichtliche Abfahrtszeit {f} [eines Schiffes]
5+ Words: Others
The damage has been estimated at ...Der Schaden wurde geschätzt auf [+Akk.]
5+ Words: Nouns
stat. (estimated) number of undetected casesDunkelziffer {f}
stat. (estimated) number of unrecorded casesDunkelziffer {f}
stat. (estimated) number of unreported casesDunkelziffer {f}
estimated number of unknown casesDunkelziffer {f}
estimated number of unreported / undetected casesDunkelziffer {f}
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A 2016-06-01: http://rental4income.com/glossary/estimated-rental-value-erv
A 2016-06-01: agree with estimated
A 2015-11-07: estimated numbers ?? context ...
Q 2015-03-04: Actual or Estimated consumption?
A 2014-05-02: In D: You usually pay 1/12 of the estimated annual service charge each mon...
A 2014-04-24: The probability, estimated to be slightly higher, of whatever ...
A 2013-02-05: It may be better to say that something is estimated, depending on the cont...
A 2011-02-16: estimated approach
A 2011-02-16: Estimated time of arrival [at customer's loading ramp] (not at the *Bahnhof*)
Q 2010-10-27: ecause of the complex fixation on the seabed wind farms are more expensive...
A 2010-03-04: est. = estimated
A 2009-10-22: ... that the estimated rentals could not be obtained.
A 2009-07-14: estimated delivery date.
A 2009-01-13: It is estimated that up to three (people) in every thousand are affected.
A 2008-10-16: doubt it sunfun,...Schaetzzahlen are estimated, as compared to these .....ones
A 2008-10-16: estimated figures ...
A 2008-06-13: With an estimated population of ...
A 2008-06-13: With an estimated population of ...
Q 2008-06-13: With an estimated population of ...
A 2008-05-07: I would have thought "gemessen", but it can also mean "estimated"

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