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English-German translation for: evolution
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Dictionary English German: evolution

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NOUN1   an evolution | evolutions
NOUN2   evolution | -
SYNO   evolution | organic evolution ... 
NOUN   die Evolution | - [biologisches Prinzip]/die Evolutionen [Entwicklungen in anderen Bedeutungen]
SYNO   Entwicklung | Entwicklungsprozess ... 
evolution [development]
Entwicklung {f}
Entstehung {f}
Evolution {f}
Entwicklungsgeschichte {f}
Entwicklungslinie {f}
2 Words: Nouns
biol. zool. animal evolutionEvolution {f} der Tiere
zool. arthropod evolutionEvolution {f} der Arthropoden
biol. orn. avian evolutionEvolution {f} der Vögel
ecol. biosphere evolutionBiosphärenentwicklung {f}
biol. bradytelic evolutionbradytelische Evolution {f}
biol. cell evolutionZellevolution {f}
zool. cetacean evolutionEvolution {f} der Wale
biol. med. chromosome evolutionChromosomenevolution {f}
meteo. climate evolutionKlimaentwicklung {f}
biol. co-evolutionKoevolution {f}
geol. coastal evolutionKüstenentwicklung {f}
biol. convergent evolutionKonvergenz {f}
biol. convergent evolutionkonvergente Evolution {f}
ind. material damage evolutionSchädigungsentwicklung {f}
biochem. biotech. directed evolutiongerichtete Evolution {f}
biol. equest. zool. equine evolutionEvolution {f} der Pferde
evolution denier [pej.]Evolutionsleugner {m} [pej.]
math. evolution equationEntwicklungsgleichung {f}
biol. geol. hist. evolution history [evolutionary history]Entwicklungsgeschichte {f}
biol. evolution patternEvolutionsmuster {n}
biol. evolution rateEvolutionsgeschwindigkeit {f}
biol. evolution rateEvolutionsrate {f}
biol. jobs acad. evolution scientistEvolutionsforscher {m}
biol. jobs acad. evolution scientist [female]Evolutionsforscherin {f}
evolution theoryEntwicklungstheorie {f}
biol. evolutionary historyGeschichte {f} der Evolution
evolutionary ladderLeiter {f} der Evolution
geol. facies evolutionFaziesentwicklung {f}
astron. galaxy evolutionGalaxienentwicklung {f}
biol. genome evolutionGenomevolution {f}
human evolutionMenschheitsentwicklung {f}
chem. hydrogen evolutionWasserstoffentwicklung {f}
biol. zool. ichthyosaur evolution [also: ichthyosaurian evolution]Ichthyosaurier-Evolution {f}
entom. insect evolutionInsektenevolution {f}
entom. insect evolutionEvolution {f} der Insekten
ling. language evolutionSprachentwicklung {f}
ling. language evolutionSprachevolution {f}
biol. zool. mammalian evolutionEvolution {f} der Säuger
biol. zool. mammalian evolutionEvolution {f} der Säugetiere
material microstructure evolutionMikrostrukturentwicklung {f}
biol. mosaic evolutionMosaikevolution {f}
sociol. multilinear evolutionmultilineare Evolution {f}
parallel evolutionparallele Entwicklung {f}
biol. phyletic transformationphyletische Evolution {f}
bot. hist. plant evolutionPflanzenentwicklung {f}
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A 2018-01-27: No such reform but just another step in the evolution of German usage. Cf....
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A 2011-01-15: Probably a matter of personal +development+ rather than Darwinian +evoluti...
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