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English-German translation for: evolutionary
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Dictionary English German: evolutionary

Translation 1 - 50 of 79  >>

English German
ADJ   evolutionary | more evolutionary | most evolutionary
evolutionary {adj}
econ. spec. evolutionary {adj}
evolutionary {adj}
evolutionary {adj}
evolutionary {adj}evolutionistisch
spec. evolutionary {adj}evolutiv
2 Words: Others
biol. evolutionary conserved {adj} {past-p}evolutionär konserviert
evolutionary psychological {adj}evolutionspsychologisch
2 Words: Nouns
biol. evolutionary adaptationevolutionäre Anpassung {f}
comp. evolutionary algorithm <EA>evolutionärer Algorithmus {m} <EA>
spec. evolutionary anthropologyevolutionäre Anthropologie {f}
biol. jobs evolutionary biologistEntwicklungsbiologe {m}
biol. jobs acad. evolutionary biologistEvolutionsbiologe {m}
biol. jobs acad. evolutionary biologist [female]Evolutionsbiologin {f}
acad. biol. evolutionary biologyEntwicklungsbiologie {f} [selten] [Evolutionsbiologie]
acad. biol. evolutionary biologyEvolutionsbiologie {f}
biol. evolutionary changeevolutionäre Veränderung {f} [bes. in Einzelheiten]
biol. evolutionary changeevolutionärer Wandel {m}
acad. comp. evolutionary computation {sg}Evolutionäre Algorithmen {pl} <EA>
biol. evolutionary developmentevolutionäre Entwicklung {f}
biol. evolutionary distanceevolutionäre Distanz {f}
biol. evolutionary distanceevolutionärer Abstand {m}
acad. ecol. jobs evolutionary ecologistEvolutionsökologe {m}
acad. ecol. jobs evolutionary ecologist [female]Evolutionsökologin {f}
acad. biol. ecol. evolutionary ecologyEvolutionsökologie {f}
philos. evolutionary epistemologyevolutionäre Erkenntnistheorie {f}
philos. evolutionary ethics [treated as sg.]evolutionäre Ethik {f}
biol. evolutionary factorEvolutionsfaktor {m}
biol. jobs evolutionary geneticistEvolutionsgenetiker {m}
biol. jobs evolutionary geneticist [female]Evolutionsgenetikerin {f}
biol. evolutionary genetics [treated as sg.]Evolutionsgenetik {f}
acad. bibl. evolutionary genomics [treated as sg.]Evolutionsgenomik {f}
astronau biol. philos. evolutionary historyEntwicklungsgeschichte {f}
biol. evolutionary historyEvolutionsgeschichte {f}
biol. evolutionary historyGeschichte {f} der Evolution
philos. evolutionary humanismevolutionärer Humanismus {m}
acad. philos. relig. evolutionary humanistevolutionärer Humanist {m}
acad. philos. relig. evolutionary humanist [female]evolutionäre Humanistin {f}
biol. evolutionary hypothesisEvolutionshypothese {f}
evolutionary ladderLeiter {f} der Evolution
ling. evolutionary linguistics [treated as sg.]evolutionäre Linguistik {f}
biol. evolutionary mechanismEvolutionsmechanismus {m}
evolutionary pathEntwicklungspfad {m}
biol. evolutionary patternEvolutionsmuster {n}
evolutionary phaseEntwicklungsphase {f}
biol. geol. evolutionary phaseEntwicklungsstufe {f} [Phase]
evolutionary phase [stage]Entwicklungsabschnitt {m} [Stadium]
biol. evolutionary potentialEntwicklungspotential {n}
biol. evolutionary potentialEntwicklungspotenzial {n}
biol. evolutionary potentialEvolutionspotenzial {n}
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A 2011-01-15: evolutionary ..?!
A 2010-05-26: in evolutionary terms
Q 2010-05-26: in evolutionary terms
A 2006-09-08: Evolutionary necessity?

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