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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: exercise plan
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Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: exercise plan

Translation 1 - 50 of 1177  >>

sports exercise planTrainingsplan {m}
Partial Matches
med. blood pressure during exercise <BP during exercise>Blutdruck {m} unter Belastung
med. MedTech. exercise electrocardiogram <exercise EKG, exercise ECG>Belastungselektrokardiogramm {n} <Belastungs-EKG>
to exerciseanwenden
mil. to exercisedrillen
mil. to exerciseexerzieren
to exercisegeltend machen
sports to exerciseSport machen
sports to exerciseSport treiben
to exerciseüben
sports exercise(körperliche) Ertüchtigung {f}
educ. exerciseAufgabe {f} [zur Übung]
exerciseAusübung {f}
sports exerciseBewegung {f}
mil. exerciseDrill {m}
mus. exerciseEtüde {f}
exerciseExerzitium {n} [veraltend] [Übung (übende Handlung, Verrichtung), Hausarbeit]
exerciseGebrauch {m} [von Macht, Einfluss]
exerciseGeltendmachung {f}
exercisekörperliche Anstrengung {f}
mil. exerciseManöver {n}
educ. exerciseSchulaufgabe {f}
exerciseÜbung {f}
exerciseÜbungsaufgabe {f}
to exercise [physically]trainieren [Körper, Muskeln]
to exercise sth.etw.Akk. trainieren
sports exercise {sg}Leibesübungen {pl}
to exercise accountabilityVerantwortung zeigen
to exercise careSorgfalt walten lassen
to exercise cautionumsichtig vorgehen
to exercise cautionVorsicht üben
to exercise cautionVorsicht walten lassen [geh.]
to exercise controlKontrolle ausüben
law to exercise discretionErmessen ausüben
to exercise discretionsich in Diskretion üben
to exercise leniencyMilde walten lassen [geh.]
to exercise leniencyNachsicht üben
to exercise moderationMäßigung üben
to exercise patiencesich gedulden
to exercise patiencesich in Geduld fassen
to exercise patiencesich in Geduld üben
idiom to exercise prudenceVorsicht walten lassen [geh.]
to exercise restraintsich in Zurückhaltung üben
to exercise restraintsich zurückhalten
to exercise restraintZurückhaltung üben
to exercise tacttaktvoll sein
(physical) exercisekörperliche Betätigung {f}
aerial exerciseLuftübung {f}
aviat. air exerciseLuftübung {f}
ling. articulation exerciseArtikulationsübung {f}
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