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English-German translation for: exercises
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Dictionary English German: exercises

Translation 1 - 65 of 65

English German
NOUN   an exercise | exercises
VERB  to exercise | exercised | exercised
exercising | exercises
Übungen {pl}
Übung {f}
educ. exercises
Übungsaufgaben {pl}
mil. exercises {pl}
Manöver {n}
exercises {pl} [e.g. military training exercises]Übungsbetrieb {m}
2 Words: Verbs
educ. to correct exercisesSchulaufgaben korrigieren
2 Words: Nouns
med. antenatal exercises [Br.]vorgeburtliche Übungen {pl}
med. antenatal exercises {pl} [Br.]Schwangerschaftsgymnastik {f}
relig. ascetic exercisesAskeseübungen {pl}
med. back exercises {pl}Rückengymnastik {f}
sports bending exercisesBiegeübungen {pl}
breathing exercisesAtemübungen {pl}
breathing exercises {pl}Atemtraining {n}
sports cardiovascular exerciseskardiovaskuläre Übungen {pl} <KÜ>
sports chair exercisesStuhlübungen {pl}
educ. commencement exercises {pl} [Am.] [graduation ceremony]Abschlussfeier {f} [öffentliche Feier nach erfolgreichem Studienabschluss]
corrective exercisesAusgleichsübungen {pl}
med. dissection exercisesSezierübungen {pl}
med. eye exercises {pl}Augengymnastik {f}
sports feet exercisesFußübungen {pl}
finger exercisesFingerübungen {pl}
sports flexion exercises [e.g. for the spinal column]Beugeübungen {pl} [z. B. für die Wirbelsäule]
sports floor exercises {pl}Bodenturnen {n}
sports foot exercisesFußübungen {pl}
gymnastic exercisesLeibesübungen {pl}
sports gymnastic exercisesTurnübungen {pl}
sports gymnastic exercisesgymnastische Übungen {pl}
inauguration exercisesEinweihungsfeierlichkeiten {pl}
janitorial exercisesAufräumarbeiten {pl}
sports physical exercisesLeibesübungen {pl}
sports physical exerciseskörperliche Übungen {pl}
med. physiotherapy exerciseskrankengymnastische Übungen {pl}
mus. piano exercisesKlavierübungen {pl}
plyometric exercisesplyometrische Übungen {pl}
relig. religious exercisesExerzitien {pl}
med. sports remedial exercises {pl}Ausgleichsgymnastik {f}
med. respiratory exercises {pl}Atemgymnastik {f}
med. sports special exercisesspezielle Übungen {pl}
med. spinal exercises {pl}Wirbelsäulengymnastik {f}
relig. spiritual exercisesExerzitien {pl}
relig. spiritual exercisesgeistliche Übungen {pl} [Exerzitien]
sports strengthening exercisesStärkungsübungen {pl}
sports stretching exercisesDehnübungen {pl}
med. sports stretching exercisesStretchingübungen {pl} [auch: Stretching-Übungen]
med. sports toning exercises {pl}Muskeltraining {n}
educ. written exercisesschriftliche Übungen {pl}
3 Words: Others
mil. Live Firing Exercises [warning sign]Scharfschießen Übungsbetrieb [Warnschild]
3 Words: Nouns
educ. book of exercisesÜbungsbuch {n}
relig. conducting spiritual exercisesExerzitientätigkeit {f}
exercises in styleStilübungen {pl}
sports horizontal bar exercises {pl}Reckturnen {n}
sports sequence of exercisesÜbungsreihe {f}
sports sequence of exercisesÜbungssequenz {f}
sports sequence of exercisesAbfolge {f} von Übungen
sports series of exercisesÜbungsreihe {f}
sports series of exercisesÜbungsserie {f}
sports series of exercisesReihe {f} von Übungen
set of exercisesAufgabensammlung {f}
sports warm-up exercises <WUEs>Aufwärmübungen {pl}
4 Words: Nouns
demonstrator (of gymnastic exercises)Vorturner {m}
mil. exercises {pl} for the reservesReserveübung {f}
mil. exercises {pl} for the reservesWiederholungskurs {m} <WK> [schweiz.] [Reserveübung]
sports exercises {pl} in the morningMorgengymnastik {f}
sports exercises of the feetFußübungen {pl}
isometric hand grip exercisesisometrische Handgriffübungen {pl}
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Q 2018-12-12: Ich glaube, daß hier was nicht stimmt: etudes for piano bzw. ... keyboard ...
A 2018-01-25: PS: http://www.bristol.ac.uk/arts/exercises/grammar/grammar_tutorial/page...
A 2016-02-15: undecided voters ; pointless exercises / a mere crystal-gazing / futile pr...
A 2014-12-13: Beg to differ. NATO partners are perfectly entitled to military exercises ...
A 2014-08-30: Grammar in a Nuts / Download of additional exercises
A 2014-08-27: If you buy the book there will probably be a code and information telling ...
A 2014-07-17: Designing English class tests / in-class exercises
A 2012-09-26: ergänzende Aufgaben oder Übungen >exercises
Q 2012-04-05: exercises
Q 2012-02-26: exercises
A 2011-09-15: nö .... http://www.livestrong.com/article/156836-facial-muscles-tension-ex...
A 2011-06-06: brain exercises? like German crosswords, puzzles
A 2010-02-07: Exercises is too vague and sounds like Morgengymnastik.
A 2009-11-09: No, It is only my exercises for my self.
A 2009-10-28: I have to admit, I had to google to find out what kegel exercises are.
A 2009-07-21: @farandaway: She doesn't want this exercise done, she is a teacher and mak...
A 2008-11-16: nothing embarrassing about grammar exercises...
A 2008-08-28: http://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises/various/date_spelling.htm
Q 2008-08-06: Full impact and resistance exercises
Q 2008-05-14: floor exercises and apparatus gymnastics

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