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Dictionary English German: exhaust

Translation 1 - 50 of 261  >>

English German
NOUN1   an exhaust | exhausts
NOUN2   exhaust | -
VERB  to exhaust | exhausted | exhausted ... 
SYNO   exhaust | exhaust system ... 
to exhaust sth. [fumes etc.]
etw.Akk. ablassen [Gase etc.]
to exhaust sb./sth.
jdn./etw. erschöpfen
to exhaust sth. [e.g. possibilities]
etw.Akk. ausreizen [z. B. Möglichkeiten]
to exhaust
to exhaust
to exhaust
to exhaust
to exhaust
agr. geol. to exhaust [soil]
ausmergeln [Boden]
to exhaust sb.
jdn. fertigmachen [ugs.] [zermürben, seiner Kräfte berauben]
to exhaust sb.
jdn. mitnehmen [erschöpfen, zusetzen]
to exhaust sb.
jdn. auspumpen
to exhaustganz ausgeben
to exhaustluftleer machen [geringer Unterdruck]
to exhaust sth. [a subject]etw. erschöpfend abhandeln
to exhaust sth. [a subject]etw. erschöpfend behandeln
automot. exhaust [exhaust pipe]
Auspuff {m}
exhaust [waste gases]
Abgas {n}
automot. exhaust {sg} [waste gases]
Auspuffgase {pl}
Abführung {f} [Dampf]
2 Words: Verbs
fin. to exhaust fundsMittel erschöpfen
to exhaust quotasKontingente erschöpfen
to exhaust resourcesMittel erschöpfen
2 Words: Nouns
automot. (exhaust) muffler [Am.]Auspufftopf {m}
tech. air exhaustLuftaustritt {m}
automot. auto exhaust {sg}Auspuffgase {pl}
automot. ecol. automobile exhaustAutoabgas {n}
automot. ecol. automobile exhaust {sg} [esp. Am.]Autoabgase {pl}
casing exhaustGehäuseentlüftung {f}
diesel exhaust {sg}Dieselabgase {pl}
exhaust airAbluft {f}
exhaust airAustrittsluft {f}
tech. exhaust airFortluft {f}
automot. engin. tech. exhaust analysisAbgasuntersuchung {f} <AU>
exhaust areaAbdampfquerschnitt {m}
exhaust bendAbdampfkrümmer {m}
tech. exhaust brakeAuspuffbremse {f}
tech. exhaust brakeMotorbremse {f}
exhaust casingAbdampfgehäuse {n}
tech. exhaust chamberAbgaskammer {f}
tech. exhaust cleanerAbgasreiniger {m}
automot. aviat. exhaust cloudAbgaswolke {f}
exhaust coneAbflusstrichter {m}
tech. exhaust damper [also: smoke (exhaust) damper]Entrauchungsklappe {f} <ERK>
automot. exhaust deflectorAbgasdeflektor {m}
automot. exhaust deflectorAuspuffblende {f}
tech. exhaust ductAbzugshaube {f}
automot. exhaust embellisherAuspuffblende {f}
automot. ecol. exhaust emissions {pl}Schadstoffausstoß {m}
exhaust fanAbluftventilator {m}
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Q 2017-01-19: exhaust valves
Q 2013-04-01: Exhaust vent in einem Wäschetrockner
A 2012-05-07: What I would do is ignore the "exhaust" altogether and use the term "Brenn...
A 2012-05-06: He does mean the rocket engine exhaust chambers > 'Düsen' or 'Austrittsdüsen.'
Q 2012-05-06: rocket exhaust ducts/ space shuttle Exhaust Chamber
A 2011-07-22: vent / (exhaust) fan .... ??
A 2010-03-03: Literally "They make me work [sc. against them]" - They wear him out, exha...
A 2009-02-11: supply and exhaust air ducts für die zu und abluft?
Q 2009-01-27: canopy exhaust hood
A 2008-12-15: oder "exhaust system"?
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Q 2008-12-10: High Flow Exhaust Pipe und anderes...
A 2008-09-24: smoke and heat exhaust
A 2008-08-23: +Fettabluft+ impliziert noch kein Filter. So, wie es da steht, übersetzt H...
A 2008-07-20: sunfunlili confirmed: > air vents / exhaust openings
A 2008-03-07: ? exhaust (gas) run-length
A 2008-03-07: exhaust (discharge) distance
A 2007-08-31: quadruple exhaust (pipes)
A 2007-06-04: mobile local exhaust ventilation

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