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English-German translation for: exit
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Dictionary English German: exit

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NOUN   an exit | exits
VERB  to exit | exited | exited ... 
SYNO   exit | issue | outlet | way out ... 
theatre Exit. [stage direction]Geht ab. [Regieanweisung]
to exit [Am.]
to exit
to exit sth.
etw.Akk. verlassen [weggehen, hinausgehen]
theatre to exit
to exit [jump out]
dance to exit [from stage]
abtanzen [von der Bühne]
to exit sth.aus etw.Dat. aussteigen [z. B. aus Auto, Computerprogramm] [österr.] [schweiz.]
comp. to exit sth. [e.g. a program]etw.Akk. beenden [z. B. ein Programm]
Ausgang {m}
exit [for vehicles]
Ausfahrt {f}
exit [for climbing out]
Ausstieg {m}
traffic exit [highway/motorway]
Abfahrt {f} [Autobahnausfahrt]
exit [fig.] [solution for a difficult situation]
Ausweg {m}
theatre exit [of an actor]
Abgang {m}
travel exit [leaving a country]
Ausreise {f}
exit [of a bullet, liquid etc.]
Austritt {m} [das Austreten von etw.]
exit [from sb.'s life]
Scheiden {n} [geh.] [aus dem Leben]
exit [from room]
Hinausgehen {n}
comp. exit
Ende {n}
spec. exitEntnahme {f}
exitExit {m}
fin. exitAusstieg {m} aus einer Beteiligung
spec. exit [electricity, gas]Ausspeisung {f} [Strom, Gas]
med. mil. exit [fig.] [death]Abgang {m} [Todesfall, Tod]
2 Words: Others
theatre Exit Macbeth.Macbeth ab. [Bühnenanweisung]
2 Words: Verbs
comp. to exit (from) sth. [e.g. a webpage, a database]etw.Akk. verlassen [z. B. eine Webseite, eine Datenbank]
to exit from sth. [from a competition or contest]aus etw.Dat. ausscheiden [aus einem Wettbewerb od. Wettkampf]
2 Words: Nouns
back exitHinterausgang {m}
med. weapons bullet exitGeschossaustritt {m}
electr. tech. cable exitKabelaustritt {m}
counter exitZählerausgang {m}
admin. aviat. TrVocab. customs exitZollausgang {m}
east exitOstausgang {m}
FireResc emergency exitNotausgang {m}
FireResc emergency exit [to climb out]Notausstieg {m}
econ. pol. euro exitEuro-Austritt {m}
traffic exit (road)Ausfahrtsstraße {f}
comm. law exit agreement [out of a contract or treaty]Austrittsabkommen {n}
comm. law exit agreement [out of a contract or treaty]Austrittsvertrag {m}
exit areaAusgangsbereich {m}
mus. exit ariaAbgangsarie {f}
traffic TrVocab. exit barrierAusfahrtschranke {f}
traffic TrVocab. exit barrierAusfahrtsschranke {f}
econ. spec. exit barrierAustrittsbarriere {f}
med. exit block [cardiology]Austrittsblock {m} [Kardiologie]
med. exit block [cardiology]Exitblock {m} [Kardiologie]
tech. exit capacity [gas, electricity]Ausspeiseleistung {f} [Gas, Strom]
med. exit catheterizationPerforationskatheterisierung {f} [mit Ein- und Ausgangsöffnung]
exit certificateAusreisevisum {n}
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A 2024-01-23: Ausstieg in Fahrtrichtung links. - Exit on the left.
Q 2024-01-17: to exit = beenden ?? (comp.)
A 2017-01-03: never heard "exit management" ....
Q 2017-01-03: exit management
A 2016-10-27: Illustration: +Mike cresting the summit with our exit route to the hut bel...
A 2016-07-04: forcible exit
A 2016-06-24: California exit
A 2015-06-05: May not be readily understood as an exit exam in all places in the US.
A 2012-12-23: to do the school exit exams at a later time
A 2012-10-23: yes, that was the idea. Maybe simply "exit points" ?
Q 2012-02-25: shored exit wound
Q 2011-12-16: to exit without operation
Q 2011-10-24: http://www.dict.cc/?s=troops+exit
Q 2011-07-29: persons on exit
A 2011-03-31: Typo: exit ?
A 2011-03-07: exit poll?
A 2010-11-25: With entrepreneurs, the last stage. Three ways to exit.:
A 2010-11-25: Investor word? http://www.investorwords.com/1834/exit.html
A 2010-11-14: Exit trenchcoat. ... W. 1: This is pulling its weight here. P. Is there an...
Q 2010-09-14: Gabelstapler (Maschinenmeldungen), "value of exit" unbekannt

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