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English-German translation for: expanding
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Dictionary English German: expanding

Translation 1 - 42 of 42

English German
VERB  to expand | expanded | expanded
expanding | expands
expanding {adj}
expanding {adj} {pres-p}
expanding {adj}
expanding {adj} {pres-p}
expanding {adj} [figure, stature, crown (of tree), etc.]
ausladend [Figur, Baumkrone etc.]
2 Words: Others
boundary expanding {adj}entgrenzend
boundary expanding {adj}grenzerweiternd
psych. consciousness-expanding {adj}bewusstseinserweiternd
ever-expanding {adj}stetig wachsend
psych. mind-expanding {adj}bewusstseinserweiternd
modestly expanding {adj}sich langsam ausbreitend
rapidly expanding {adj}stark expandierend
2 Words: Verbs
econ. to be expandingauf Expansionskurs sein
2 Words: Nouns
weapons expanding ammunitionexpandierende Munition {f}
constr. expanding cementQuellzement {m}
constr. expanding cementtreibender Zement {m}
expanding compartment [in a handbag etc.]Dehnfach {n}
expanding coneSpreizkonus {m}
tech. expanding dowelSpreizdübel {m}
constr. expanding foam [Br.]Bauschaum {m} [Montageschaum]
constr. expanding foam [Br.]Montageschaum {m}
expanding industryexpandierende Industrie {f}
expanding mandrelAufspanndorn {m}
expanding mandrelAufweitdorn {m}
expanding mandrelSpreizdorn {m}
expanding nutSpreizmutter {f}
weapons expanding projectileExpansionsgeschoss {n}
hist. weapons expanding projectile [e.g. muzzle-loader projectile]Expansivgeschoss {n} [auch: Expansiv-Geschoss] [z. B. Vorderladergeschoss]
tech. expanding rivetSpreizniet {m} [auch {n}]
tech. expanding sleeveDehnbüchse {f}
3 Words: Others
although constantly expanding ...trotz ständiger Neuerschließungen ...
3 Words: Nouns
cosmet. dent. expanding (dental) flossFlauschzahnseide {f} [auch: Flausch-Zahnseide]
dent. high-expanding ceramicshochexpandierende Keramiken {pl}
tech. internal expanding brakeInnenbackenbremse {f}
steel expanding braceletStahlgliederarmband {n}
steel expanding braceletStahl-Gliederarmband {n}
tools undercut expanding anchorHinterschnitt-Schlaganker {m}
4 Words: Nouns
tech. expanding type foundation boltAnkerbolzen {m}
model of expanding economyModell {n} der expandierenden Wirtschaft
stainless steel expanding braceletEdelstahl-Gliederarmband {n}
stainless-steel expanding braceletEdelstahl-Gliederarmband {n}
5+ Words: Nouns
expanding of the money supplyErweiterung {f} des Geldvolumens
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A 2023-03-12: +fast expanding fire+ oder +fast-spreading fire+
A 2020-08-19: Expanding on +callixte (US)'s+ suggestion
A 2020-07-01: Expanding on MichaelK's suggestions
Q 2020-05-05: "self-expanding tape" auf Deutsch?
A 2020-01-09: Expanding on Zuchi1's LINK
A 2019-06-19: Expanding on Sasso's suggestion: involving (a) health risk / [depending on...
A 2017-07-30: Expanding on +Squirrel-quattro's+ suggestion: So much is faulty without be...
A 2016-04-18: @ sunfun - yes, I was really just agreeing with and expanding on your post :-)
A 2015-06-01: Expanding on ddr's reply
A 2015-05-06: Our continuously expanding stock together with the most recent product dev...
A 2015-01-22: Expanding on Michael
A 2015-01-14: Expanding on 00:07
A 2013-03-08: überbewusst > superconscious ... mind-expanding approaches leading to sup...
A 2012-03-02: expanding .., leading .., profitable .., established company
A 2011-07-03: Durch die steigende Leistungsfähigkeit: As they become increasingly powerf...
Q 2011-06-23: expanding on
A 2011-04-28: Expanding on J's reply http://www.peevish.co.uk/slang/f.htm
A 2011-01-16: Okay, here is my version, expanding on Lisa's
A 2010-09-21: Expanding on Bacca's tea example -
Q 2010-08-09: We are in the process of expanding our presence in Germany

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