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English-German translation for: expedition
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Dictionary English German: expedition

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NOUN   an expedition | expeditions
SYNO   expedition | hostile expedition ... 
NOUN   die Expedition | die Expeditionen
SYNO   Entdeckungsreise | Expedition | Ausflug ... 
expedition [journey of exploration]
Entdeckungsreise {f} [Expedition]
Expedition {f}
Forschungsreise {f}
mil. expedition
Feldzug {m}
expedition [unorganised, spontaneous exploration trip]
Streifzug {m}
TrVocab. expedition
Expeditionsreise {f}
expedition [formal] [promptness or speed in doing something]
Schnelligkeit {f} [bei der Ausführung von etw.]
2 Words: Nouns
mil. (armed) expeditionKriegszug {m} [veraltet]
mil. (military) expeditionHeerfahrt {f} [veraltet]
geogr. Antarctic expeditionAntarktisexpedition {f}
Antarctic expeditionSüdpolexpedition {f}
geogr. Antarctic expeditionAntarktis-Expedition {f}
climbing expeditionBergexpedition {f}
conquering expeditionEroberungsfeldzug {m}
delivery departmentExpedition {f}
comm. dispatch department [also: shipping department]Expedition {f} [selten] [Versandabteilung]
geogr. hist. expedition cartographyExpeditionskartographie {f}
jobs med. expedition doctorExpeditionsarzt {m}
expedition leaderExpeditionsleiter {m}
climbing expedition mountaineeringExpeditionsbergsteigen {n}
travel expedition organizerExpeditionsreiseveranstalter {m}
expedition participantsExpeditionsteilnehmer {pl}
expedition reportExpeditionsbericht {m}
expedition teamExpeditionsmannschaft {f}
expedition teamExpeditionsteam {n}
fishing expeditionAngelausflug {m}
idiom law fishing expedition [an investigation that does not stick to a stated objective]Ermittlung {f} ins Blaue hinein
hunting hunting expeditionJagdausflug {m}
mailing departmentExpedition {f}
mercantile expeditionHandelsreise {f}
mil. military expeditionKriegszug {m} [veraltet]
mil. military expeditionMilitärexpedition {f}
polar expeditionPolarexpedition {f}
acad. travel polar expeditionPolarforschungsreise {f}
mil. punitive expeditionStrafexpedition {f}
acad. research expeditionForschungsexpedition {f}
scouting expeditionErkundungstour {f}
shopping expeditionEinkaufsbummel {m}
hist. Sicilian expeditionSizilienexpedition {f}
hist. Sicilian expeditionsizilianische Expedition {f}
astronau space expeditionWeltraumexpedition {f}
3 Words: Others
with due expedition {adv}mit gebotener Beschleunigung
3 Words: Verbs
to conduct an expeditioneine Expedition durchführen
to equip an expeditioneine Expedition ausrüsten
to finance an expeditioneine Expedition finanzieren
to finance the expeditiondie Expedition finanzieren
to make an expeditionauf Expedition gehen
to prepare an expeditioneine Expedition vorbereiten
to project an expeditioneine Expedition planen
to undertake an expeditioneine Expedition wagen
to undertake an expeditionauf eine Expedition gehen
3 Words: Nouns
fish geol. mining deep-sea expeditionTiefsee-Expedition {f} [auch: Tiefseeexpedition]
expedition of discoveryEntdeckungsfahrt {f}
hist. mil. Imperial Military ExpeditionReichsheerfahrt {f}
geogr. North Pole expeditionNordpolexpedition {f}
geogr. North Pole expedition [Arctic expedition]Nordpolarexpedition {f}
hist. Sino-Swedish ExpeditionChinesisch-Schwedische Expedition {f}
South Sea expeditionSüdsee-Expedition {f} [auch: Südseeexpedition]
window shopping expeditionAuslagenbummel {m} [Schaufensterbummel]
window shopping expeditionSchaufensterbummel {m}
4 Words: Verbs
to volunteer for an expeditionsich zu einer Expedition freiwillig melden
4 Words: Nouns
member of an expeditionExpeditionsteilnehmer {m} [Teilnehmer einer Expedition]
member of an expedition [female]Expeditionsteilnehmerin {f} [Teilnehmerin einer Expedition]
member of the expeditionExpeditionsteilnehmer {m} [Teilnehmer der Expedition]
member of the expedition [female]Expeditionsteilnehmerin {f} [Teilnehmerin der Expedition]
participation in the expeditionTeilnahme {f} an der Expedition
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F Congo [Michael Crichton]Expedition Kongo
film F Idaho Transfer [Peter Fonda]Expedition in die Zukunft
film F The Crate [Creepshow episode]Expedition ins Tierreich
RadioTV F The Wild ThornberrysExpedition der Stachelbeeren
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A 2021-08-22: Saturday Live - Antarctic Expedition https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9ud...
Q 2016-11-03: The Expedition is aswell affluence
A 2015-07-30: "expedition" ist ein Kriegszug / Feldzug
A 2015-07-30: Italienzug, Romfahrt > Italian expedition / Roman expedition NB: The dic...
A 2014-07-31: vorontsov caucasus expedition
A 2009-01-04: ok, dann laß ich die Finger vom "malling" und nehme "shopping expedition".
A 2009-01-04: 'shopping expedition' wie im Dict:cc steht's
A 2008-02-05: http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&q=naval+expedition&btnG=Google-Suche&meta=
A 2007-07-02: Versandlos > batch shipment, lot d'expédition; Versandlosbildung > creatio...
Q 2004-03-29: uristischer EU-Text über Schengener Abkommen: Expedition of visa=Visaertei...
A 2004-02-10: kundfahrt sounds like one of those 1930s ersatz words for expedition

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