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English-German translation for: expenses
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Dictionary English German: expenses

Translation 1 - 50 of 277  >>

English German
NOUN   an expense | expenses
VERB  to expense | expensed | expensed
expensing | expenses
fin. expenses
Ausgaben {pl}
Kosten {pl}
Spesen {pl}
Unkosten {pl}
Auslagen {pl}
fin. expenses
Expensen {pl} [selten]
Umtriebe {pl} [schweiz.] [Aufwand, Kosten]
2 Words: Others
including expensesKosten eingeschlossen
less expensesabzüglich Auslagen
2 Words: Verbs
to allocate expensesKosten umlegen
to apportion expensesKosten umlegen
to curb expensesAusgaben reduzieren
to curb expensesAusgaben senken
to curtail expensesKosten mindern
to defray sb.'s expensesjds. Kosten begleichen
to incur expensesAuslagen machen
to meet expensesAnsprüche befriedigen
to meet expensesAusgaben bestreiten
fin. to meet expensesAuslagen decken
to pay sb.'s expensesjds. Kosten begleichen
to pay sb.'s expensesfür jds. Kosten aufkommen
to reduce expensesAusgaben einschränken
to reduce expensesdie Kosten einschränken
fin. to refund expensesAuslagen erstatten
to reimburse expensesAuslagen erstatten
to retrench (expenses)(Ausgaben) senken
to save expensesKosten einsparen
to save expensesKosten ersparen
to share expensesKosten teilen
to slash expensesAusgaben drastisch kürzen
2 Words: Nouns
travel accommodation expensesÜbernachtungskosten {pl}
account expensesSpesenkonto {n}
accrued expensesangefallene Kosten {pl}
acc. accrued expensesantizipative Passiva {pl}
actual expensestatsächliche Spesen {pl}
additional expensesMehrkosten {pl}
additional expensesNebenkosten {pl}
additional expenseszusätzliche Kosten {pl}
additional expenses {pl}Mehraufwand {m} [zusätzliche Kosten]
administration expensesVerwaltungsausgaben {pl}
administration expensesVerwaltungskosten {pl}
administrative expensesVerwaltungskosten {pl}
advertising expensesWerbekosten {pl}
advertising expensesWerbungskosten {pl}
agency expensesVertreterkosten {pl}
allowable expensesabsetzbare Kosten {pl}
ancillary expensesNebenkosten {pl} <NK>
any expensesalle Spesen {pl}
any expensesjegliche Spesen {pl}
application expensesBewerbungskosten {pl}
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A 2021-06-04: In summary—overdrafts are good for short-term operating expenses and loans...
A 2021-01-27: Kostendeckel - cap on expenses
Q 2018-08-03: subsistence expenses - Verpflegungskosten
A 2017-03-17: Public Servants and Judges Travel Expenses Allowance Act
A 2016-09-26: extra food expenses / costs ?
A 2016-07-31: travel expenses
A 2015-01-20: out-of-pocket [as a modifier] > Bar- / out-of-pocket expenses > Barauslagen
A 2014-04-29: Yes, because the company "defined" the contracts as material expenses.
Q 2014-03-31: Are "of which expenses from" as in "Andere Betriebsausgaben aus der die Au...
Q 2014-01-27: reimburse you for your expenses
Q 2012-10-15: transport expenses - können das (außer Frachtkosten) auch Reisekosten sein?
A 2012-04-26: Material (costs) and other (relevant) production expenses?
A 2012-04-04: ... deposit outlays and expenses, and the trustee shall not have to pay an...
A 2012-03-04: It means that the expenses were tax deductible - http://www.dict.cc/?s=ste...
A 2012-01-30: Travel expenses are charged/calculated/worked out/... separately.
A 2011-05-04: http://www.google.at/search?sourceid=navclient&aq=0h&oq=&hl=de&ie=UTF-8&rl...
Q 2011-05-04: Purge expenses
A 2011-01-17: danke euch beiden, expenses in terms of value hört sich gut an
A 2011-01-17: charges / expenses in terms of value ?

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