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English-German translation for: experiences
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Dictionary English German: experiences

Translation 1 - 28 of 28

English German
NOUN   an experience [event, occurence] | experiences
VERB  to experience | experienced | experienced
experiencing | experiences
sb. experiences sth. [danger, suffering, etc.]
jdm. begegnet etw. [Gefahr, Leid usw.] [geh.]
sb. experiences
jd. erfährt
Erfahrungen {pl}
Erlebnisse {pl}
2 Words
to exchange experiencesErfahrungen austauschen
psych. sociol. bonding experiencesBindungserfahrungen {pl}
childbirth experiencesGeburtserlebnisse {pl}
psych. childhood experiencesKindheitserfahrungen {pl}
initial experienceserste Erfahrungen {pl}
life experiencesLebenserfahrungen {pl}
postwar experiencesNachkriegserfahrungen {pl}
sentimental experiencesgefühlsbetonte Erfahrungen {pl}
travel experiencesReiseerfahrungen {pl}
varying experiencesunterschiedliche Erfahrungen {pl}
war experiencesKriegserfahrungen {pl}
wartime experiencesKriegserlebnisse {pl}
youth experiencesJugenderlebnisse {pl}
3 Words
to gain new experiencesneue Erfahrungen sammeln [z. B. beruflich]
exchange of experiencesErfahrungsaustausch {m}
experiences in bordellosBordellerlebnisse {pl} [selten]
experiences of lifeLebenserfahrungen {pl}
experiences so farbisherige Erfahrungen {pl}
hands-on experiencespraktische Erfahrungen {pl}
sphere of experiencesErfahrungsraum {m}
4 Words
report on one's experiencesErfahrungsbericht {m}
5+ Words
in the light of our experiences {adv}im Licht unserer Erfahrungen
in the light of our experiences {adv}im Lichte unserer Erfahrungen
to have negative / positive experiences with sb./sth.schlechte / gute Erfahrungen mit jdm./etw. machen
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Q 2015-06-04: Fake-ID.de - holograms, worldwide delivery for only € 29.98 - experiences?
A 2015-02-01: Being both German and Bengali, several stays abroad and a variety of work ...
A 2013-12-30: to add to one's experiences
A 2013-11-02: My experiences in Austria will definitely influence where I choose/would l...
A 2013-09-12: are absolutely no match for these supramundane experiences
A 2013-01-10: Experiences
Q 2013-01-09: experience vs. experiences
A 2011-05-31: ... my experiences at Deusche Bank and the clinic
A 2011-05-31: ... my experiences at Deusche Bank and the clinic
Q 2011-01-24: to capture the experiences of my real-life characters
A 2010-05-26: "soon it became ritual that allowed me to carefully describe my daily expe...
A 2010-05-14: I do not have such good experiences with them...
A 2010-02-18: "rich lifestyle experiences" is exaggerated advertising speak.
Q 2009-08-31: my practical experiences made me ..... or my practical experience made me....
A 2009-08-31: I'd say 'The observer experiences the enterprise as something complete wit...
A 2009-08-14: Lisa: thing is, I don't eat ice cream and can't relate my taste experiences.
A 2009-06-30: Erfahrungen, die ich nicht missen möchte > experiences I don't want to mis...
A 2009-03-10: And if, after so many new experiences, you can enjoy first class performan...
A 2009-02-10: for who hasn't had the same experiences ?
A 2008-10-20: Experiences and knowledge from different fields/areas (of expertise)

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