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English-German translation for: expiration
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Dictionary English German: expiration

Translation 1 - 53 of 53

English German
NOUN   expiration | -
SYNO   expiration | expiry | termination ... 
Ablauf {m} [Frist]
Verfall {m}
Ende {n}
Ablaufen {n}
Erlöschen {n}
law expiration
Außerkrafttreten {n} [Erlöschen, z. B. Vertrag]
expiration [of breath]
Ausatmen {n}
expiration [of breath]
Ausatmung {f}
med. expiration
Exhalation {f}
med. expiration [of breath]
Exspiration {f}
med. expiration [Expiratio]Exspirium {n}
2 Words: Nouns
comm. fin. insur. deadline expirationFristablauf {m}
expiration clauseFälligkeitsklausel {f}
comm. gastr. expiration dateAblaufdatum {n} [österr.] [Haltbarkeitsdatum]
expiration dateAuslaufdatum {n}
expiration dateFälligkeitsdatum {n}
expiration dateFreigabedatum {n}
expiration dateVerfalldatum {n}
expiration dateVerfallsdatum {n}
expiration dateVerfalltag {m}
expiration datesVerfalldaten {pl}
expiration monthVerfallmonat {m}
med. expiration timeExspirationszeit {f}
law lease expirationAuslauf {m} des Mietvertrages
law lease expirationAuslaufen {n} des Mietvertrages
law patent expirationAblauf {m} des Patentschutzes
3 Words: Others
payable at expiration {adj}zahlbar bei Verfall
3 Words: Nouns
econ. date of expirationAblauffrist {f} [z. B. eines Abkommens]
date of expirationFälligkeitstermin {m}
date of expirationVerfallstag {m}
date of expirationVerfalltag {m}
date of expirationDatum {n}, an dem eine Erlaubnis erlischt
date of expirationZeitpunkt {m}, an dem die Frist abläuft
econ. expiration (date) codingKodierung {f} des Verfallsdatums
expiration of contractAblauf {m} des Vertrages
comm. expiration of timeFristablauf {m}
econ. term of expiration [rare] [date of expiration]Ablauffrist {f} [z. B. eines Abkommens]
4 Words: Others
beyond its expiration date {adj} [postpos.] [product, drug, patent, etc.]abgelaufen [Produkt, Medikament, Patent etc.]
beyond its expiration date {adj} [postpos.] [product, drug, patent, etc.]verfallen [Produkt, Medikament, Patent etc.]
4 Words: Nouns
law expiration of (the) contractVertragsende {n}
expiration of a deadlineAblauf {m} einer Frist
expiration of a patentErlöschen {n} eines Patents
expiration of the deadlineAblauf {m} der Frist
expiration of the timeAblauf {m} der Frist
expiration of the validityAblauf {m} der Gültigkeit
expiration of the validityAblauf {m} der Laufzeit
5+ Words: Others
after the expiration of this term {adv}nach Ablauf dieser Zeit
commencing with the expiration of the year {adv}beginnend mit dem Ablauf des Jahres
5+ Words: Nouns
expiration of (a / the) contractVertragsablauf {m} [Beendigung]
expiration of a letter of creditAblauf {m} des Akkreditivs
expiration of a time limitAblauf {m} einer Frist
insur. expiration of the insured periodEnde {n} der Versicherungsdauer
expiration of the period of noticeAblauf {m} der Kündigungsfrist
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A 2023-07-18: past their expiration / sell-by date
A 2012-09-01: Downgrading to a lower service level is possible after expiration of the m...
A 2012-02-08: The expiration date must be printed on the packaging.
A 2011-05-18: typo: an expiration date
A 2010-11-05: Maybe: The letter of guarantee is to / should be returned to us upon fulfi...
Q 2009-12-19: Expiration date on a form paper...
A 2009-02-23: The contract shall be automatically renewed unless notice is given (by eit...
A 2008-08-27: Ja, échéance = expiration ici. Das ist richtig. vielen dank Riddle !
A 2008-07-24: pleadings which were not admitted after expiration of the submission period
A 2008-07-08: Approval to defer the expiration of unused leave ?
A 2008-02-23: The Federal Journal was commissioned prior to the expiration of the statut...
A 2007-06-15: expiration without use
A 2006-12-27: expiration date is extended
A 2006-12-27: The expiration of the warranty is rescinded.
A 2006-12-02: expiration date
Q 2006-12-01: expiration date
A 2005-10-06: tender expiration OR release date
Q 2005-09-08: expiration date

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