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English-German translation for: explained.
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Dictionary English German: explained

Translation 1 - 16 of 16

English German
VERB  to explain | explained | explained ... 
explained {adj} {past-p}
explained {adj} {past-p}
ausgeführt [genauer dargestellt]
sb. explained
jd. erklärte
2 Words
sociol. stat. explained variableerklärte Variable {f}
math. stat. explained variable [seldom] [more common: dependent variable]abhängige Variable {f}
stat. explained varianceerklärte Varianz {f}
3 Words
as explained above {adv}wie oben erklärt
sb. has explained sth. to sb.jd. hat jdm. etw. auseinandergesetzt
sth. is explained byetw. erklärt sich (aus / durch)
to be explained by sth.durch etw.Akk. erklärbar sein
4 Words
as explained (further) below {adv}wie (weiter) unten ausgeführt [erklärt, dargelegt]
5+ Words
He explained / justified it by the fact that ...Er begründete es damit, dass ...
It can't be explained in any other way.Anders ist es nicht zu erklären.
philos. proverb Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity. [Hanlon's Razor]Schreibe nicht der Böswilligkeit zu, was durch Dummheit hinreichend erklärbar ist. [Hanlons Rasiermesser]
That can be best explained thus: ...Das kann man am besten so erklären: ...
The error is explained by ...Der Fehler erklärt sich durch ...
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A 2024-11-17: @aphoenix: That's easily explained.
A 2024-10-10: He explained what the Crux is, or rather, what it was.
A 2020-05-01: session > Sitzung +technically explained+
Q 2018-03-05: Federvieh - Never mind. Further reading has explained it.
A 2017-12-23: Yes, he says "Isar". It's exactly how MichaelK explained.
A 2017-10-30: @ Windfall: The term is explained a few lines into your website ...
A 2016-12-20: Names explained here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eM2DVuRMY6s
A 2016-02-17: What Catesse said, is exactly what Paul wrote in the GL and confirmed and ...
A 2015-11-27: I think you'd probably have to explain (or already have explained) how the...
A 2015-01-17: I agree with Catesse: when disambiguating, the common and obvious meaning ...
A 2014-08-29: jokes explained
A 2014-07-27: Sorry, wrong. As explained in OD, +descendent+ is a spelling variant of th...
A 2014-06-10: could not agree more, well explained
A 2014-05-28: I would't translate "explained" literally in most contexts
A 2014-05-19: it is a term to be explained in an essay
A 2013-10-14: agree with Lllama, he explained * to me.
A 2013-09-08: Without +he explained+ -
A 2013-08-24: Oh, I thought that had been explained, sorry. The *transmission signal* b...
A 2013-03-29: I don't care how usage gets defined and explained ...
A 2012-08-13: it can be reasonably explained, but not really grasped/understood

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