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English-German translation for: explainer video
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Dictionary English German: explainer video

Translation 1 - 50 of 287  >>

NOUN   an explainer video | explainer videos
explainer videoErklärvideo {n}
Partial Matches
videoVideo {n}
full-video {adj}Bewegtbild-
MedTech. video-oculographic {adj}video-okulografisch
MedTech. video-oculographic {adj}video-okulographisch
MedTech. video-oculographically {adv}video-okulografisch
MedTech. video-oculographically {adv}video-okulographisch
tech. (video) tapeBand {n} [Videoband]
Internet photo. apology videoEntschuldigungsvideo {n}
application videoBewerbungsvideo {n}
blue videoPornovideo {n}
climbing film climbing videoKlettervideo {n}
composite videoFarbmischanzeige {f}
film demo videoEinsatzfilm {m}
electr. film DVD-VideoDVD-Video {n}
MedTech. ECG videoEKG-Video {n}
educ. explanatory videoErklärvideo {n}
film family videoFamilienvideo {n}
introductory videoEinleitungsvideo {n}
mus. RadioTV music videoMusikvideo {n}
Internet online videoOnline-Video {n}
RadioTV market. promotional videoWerbespot {m}
film propaganda videoPropaganda-Video {n}
reverse videoinvertierte Darstellung {f}
sex videoSexvideo {n}
comp. streaming video[kontinuierliche Übertragung von Video-Daten]
surveillance videoÜberwachungsvideo {n}
threat videoDrohvideo {n}
educ. film tutorial videoLernvideo {n}
film underwater videoUnterwasservideo {n}
market. video advertisingVideowerbung {f}
astron. video amplifierBildverstärker {m} [astronomisches Gerät]
electr. video amplifierVideoverstärker {m} <VV>
video analysisVideoanalyse {f}
film video animationFilmanimation {f}
film video animationVideoanimation {f}
film video appearanceVideoauftritt {m}
video arcadeVideospielhalle {f}
film video archiveVideoarchiv {n}
art video artVideokunst {f}
art video artistVideokünstler {m}
electr. video bandwidthVideobandbreite {f}
furn. video cabinetVideoschrank {m}
RadioTV telecom. video cableVideokabel {n}
telecom. video cableVideoleitung {f}
video callVideoanruf {m}
film video cameraVideokamera {f}
comp. video cardVideokarte {f}
video cassetteVideokassette {f}
tech. RadioTV video channelBildkanal {m}
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