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English-German translation for: extent
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Dictionary English German: extent

Translation 1 - 50 of 147  >>

English German
NOUN   an extent | extents
Ausmaß {n}
extent [degree, size]
Umfang {m} [Ausmaß]
Ausdehnung {f}
Größe {f}
Weite {f}
Bereich {m} {n}
Maß {n} [Ausmaß]
Höhe {f}
Erstreckung {f}
2 Words: Nouns
geogr. math. meteo. areal extentFlächenausdehnung {f}
bot. for. forest extentWaldausdehnung {f}
bot. for. forest extentWaldumfang {m}
great extentgroßes Ausmaß {n}
limited extentbeschränkter Umfang {m}
moderate extentmäßiges Ausmaß {n}
slight extentgeringes Ausmaß {n}
spatial extenträumliche Ausdehnung {f}
superficial extentFlächeninhalt {m}
temporal extentzeitliche Ausdehnung {f}
total extentGesamtumfang {m} [gesamtes Ausmaß]
vast extentWeitläufigkeit {f}
vast extentgroßes Ausmaß {n}
3 Words: Others
To what extent ... ?In welchem Umfang ... ?
To which extent?In welchem Ausmaß?
To which extent?In welchem Umfang?
to an extent {adv}in gewissem Maße
to some extent {adv}ansatzweise
to some extent {adv}einigermaßen
to some extent {adv}gewissermaßen
to some extent {adv}halbwegs
to some extent {adv}teilweise
to some extent {adv}im Ansatz [ansatzweise]
to some extent {adv}zum Teil <z. T.>
to some extent {adv}in gewissem Maß
to some extent {adv}in gewissem Maße
to some extent {adv}bis zu einem gewissen Grad / Grade
to the extent {adv}soweit
to the extent {adv}in dem Ausmaß
to this extent {adv}insoweit
to this extent {adv}in diesem Maß
to what extent {adv}inwiefern
to what extent {adv}inwieweit
to what extent {adv}in welchem Ausmaß
to what extent {adv}bis zu welchem Ausmaß
to what extent {adv} [interrogative]wieweit
to which extent {adv}inwieweit
3 Words: Nouns
math. axiom of extentExtensionalitätsaxiom {n}
geol. tech. extent in depthTiefenerstreckung {f} [Tiefenausdehnung]
extent of authorityUmfang {m} der Vollmacht
EU insur. extent of coverageDeckungsumfang {m}
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Q 2021-10-15: To what extent is LL used in the same places as LOL?
A 2017-11-18: To what an extent is +ID shot+ well-established terminology in English?
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A 2017-04-22: extent
A 2017-03-04: To what extent
A 2016-03-18: Agree with Dracs to some extent...........
A 2015-12-18: to the (stipulated, given, agreed upon, etc,) extent and as long as it is ...
A 2015-09-21: With reference to one of G's dictums the Germans were confronted with thei...
A 2015-08-21: Goes to show the extent to which UK banks are trammelled by their own red tape
A 2015-06-26: At least in AE, "to a large extent" is understood as "mostly."
A 2015-06-26: What is nowadays called wellness we come up with to a large extent
Q 2014-10-31: to the extent that ...simply to
Q 2014-10-31: to the extent that ...simply to
A 2014-06-04: Really sorry, Windfall - your first rendering "to the extent that" is perf...
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