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Dictionary English German: extraction

Translation 1 - 50 of 178  >>

English German
NOUN1   an extraction | extractions
NOUN2   extraction | -
SYNO   descent | extraction | origin
extraction [of juice, energy, DNA etc.]
Gewinnung {f}
med. extraction [of a foreign body]
Entfernung {f} [z. B. einer Kugel]
extraction [origin, lineage]
Abstammung {f}
Entzug {m}
extraction [ancestry]
Herkunft {f}
extraction [process]
Herausziehen {n}
Herausnehmen {n}
extraction [of confession, money]
Herausholen {n}
ind. extraction [production]
Förderung {f} [Gewinnung]
chem. extraction
Auszug {m}
extraction [e.g. blood]
Entnahme {f} [z. B. Blut]
tech. extraction [removal]
Beseitigung {f}
Extraktion {f}
photo. extraction
Freistellung {f}
Entziehung {f}
Extrahierung {f}
tech. extraction
Auswaschung {f}
extraction [of permission, promise etc.]
Abringen {n} [einer Erlaubnis, eines Versprechens etc.]
mil. extraction
Exfiltration {f}
Unverified extractionAbkunft {f} [geh.]
extraction [of information, secrets, etc.]Entlocken {n} [von Informationen etc.]
extraction [sth. extracted; extract]Extrakt {m} [auch {n}]
2 Words: Others
dent. pre-extraction {adj} [attr.]vor der Extraktion [nachgestellt]
2 Words: Nouns
dent. tools (extraction) forceps {pl} [one pair] [extracting forceps]Zahnzange {f}
tech. air extractionLuftabsaugung {f}
chem. alkali extractionAlkaliextraktion {f}
chem. alkaloid extractionAlkaloidextraktion {f}
phys. beam extractionStrahlextraktion {f}
med. blood extraction [blood collection]Blutentnahme {f}
med. cataract extractionKataraktextraktion {f}
mining clay extractionLehmgewinnung {f}
mining clay extractionTongewinnung {f}
mining coal extractionKohleförderung {f}
mining coal extractionKohlegewinnung {f}
FoodInd. cold extractionKaltextraktion {f}
copper extractionKupfergewinnung {f}
comp. Internet data extractionDatenausleitung {f}
comp. data extractionDatenextraktion {f}
dent. dental extractionZahnextraktion {f}
biol. DNA extractionDNA-Extraktion {f}
energy extractionEnergiegewinnung {f}
chem. extraction behavior [Am.]Extraktionsverhalten {n}
chem. extraction behaviour [Br.]Extraktionsverhalten {n}
tech. extraction columnExtraktionskolonne {f}
mining extraction driftAbbaustrecke {f}
extraction efficiencyExtraktionseffizienz {f}
tech. extraction forceAusziehkraft {f}
phys. tech. extraction forceAuszugskraft {f}
dent. tools extraction forceps {pl} [one pair] [DIN EN ISO]Extraktionszange {f} [DIN EN ISO]
extraction gridAbsauggitter {n}
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A 2018-11-27: Vergilius was of Irish extraction and in the 8th c. AD by clever inference...
Q 2015-07-22: air removal or extraction for vacuum
A 2014-08-07: Corrosion coupon extraction
Q 2014-08-07: Corrosion coupon extraction
A 2014-06-19: post-extraction pain
A 2013-02-27: I think they do mean +Rohstoffe+ here because "extraction" in this context...
Q 2013-02-27: extraction of resources
Q 2011-08-23: lip fume extraction
A 2011-01-06: Warum passt das nicht? Der Begriff "large-scale extraction" wird erklärt.
A 2011-01-06: My guess is 'extraction of peat', which would be 'Torfabbau.' EDIT: Snap.
Q 2011-01-06: extraction (im Zusammenhang mit der Trockenlegung von Mooren)
A 2010-07-06: extraction well > Abschöpfbrunnen
Q 2010-07-06: extraction wells - uebersetzung
A 2010-02-15: Klarwasserabzug > clear water extraction (bitte in dict.cc eingeben)
Q 2010-01-28: Greatly improves extraction in flowing water
A 2009-07-03: For the record: Hitler was of Austrian extraction but would never have got...
A 2009-04-19: of average extraction ?
Q 2008-12-17: revenue extraction
A 2008-08-20: etwas mit 'air extraction unit'?
A 2007-11-07: ? extraction > Förderung (aus den Quellen), production > Gewinnung (samt R...

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