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English-German translation for: extreme
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Dictionary English German: extreme

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ADJ   extreme | more extreme | most extreme
NOUN   extreme | extremes
SYNO   extreme | extreme point | extremum ... 
ADJ  extrem | extremer | am extremsten
extremer | extreme | extremes
extremster | extremste | extremstes
NOUN   das Extrem | die Extreme
extreme {adj}
extreme {adj}
extreme {adj}
extreme {adj}
extreme {adj} [difference]
krass [Unterschied]
extreme {adj}
extreme {adj} [views]
überspannt [Ansichten]
extreme {adj}hochgradig [extrem, in hochgradigen Fällen]
Extremwert {m}
Extreme {pl}
psych. hypervigilanceextreme Wachsamkeit {f}
maximisation [Br.]extreme Steigerung {f}
maximizationextreme Steigerung {f}
2 Words: Others
QM spec. extreme-risk {adj} [attr.] [e.g. patient, sport]Extremrisiko- [z. B. Patient, Sport]
most extreme {adj}extremste
2 Words: Nouns
(extreme) reserve [reticence]Verschlossenheit {f} [Unzugänglichkeit, Unnahbarkeit]
(extreme) reservednessVerschlossenheit {f}
extreme actionExtremhandlung {f} [extreme Handlung]
sports extreme athleteExtremsportler {m}
extreme caseExtremfall {m}
extreme casesExtremfälle {pl}
extreme cautionäußerste Vorsicht {f}
extreme coldAffenkälte {f} [ugs.]
extreme conditionsExtrembedingungen {pl}
extreme conditions {pl}Extrembereich {m}
extreme effortRiesenaufwand {m} [ugs.]
extreme emergencyäußerster Notfall {m}
extreme eventExtremereignis {n}
extreme exampleExtrembeispiel {n}
extreme example [extreme case]Extremfall {m}
extreme examplesExtrembeispiele {pl}
extreme examplesExtremfälle {pl}
psych. extreme experienceExtremerfahrung {f}
pol. extreme feminist [female]Extremfeministin {f}
constr. extreme fibre [Br.]Randfaser {f}
extreme formExtremform {f} [extreme Form]
extreme heataffige Hitze {f} [ugs.] [regional]
extreme luckRiesenglück {n} [ugs.]
phys. extreme matterextreme Materie {f}
math. extreme pointExtremalpunkt {m}
math. extreme pointExtremstelle {f}
extreme position [also fig.]Extremposition {f} [auch fig.]
tech. extreme position [rare for: final position]Endstellung {f}
extreme povertyäußerste Armut {f}
extreme povertybittere Armut {f}
extreme povertyextreme Armut {f}
hydro. meteo. extreme precipitationExtremniederschlag {m}
extreme pressureHöchstdruck {m}
comp. extreme programmingExtremprogrammierung {f}
extreme rangeExtrembereich {m}
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A 2023-09-17: here: insane - outrageously high or extreme
A 2021-11-05: What about +position of the extremal / extreme point+ ?
A 2019-09-20: Extreme Left Axis Deviation
Q 2019-02-12: Adjective to describe extreme cold?
Q 2018-05-01: extreme control (computer games)
A 2016-11-19: 14:40 Please use ALTHISTORY.WIKIA with extreme care; most of it cannot for...
A 2016-10-19: Donated is a bit formal and fuck is a bit extreme (in my opinion).
A 2016-01-28: oder: eine Umgebung, die alle Extreme von staubtrocken zu schweren Regenst...
Q 2015-06-25: How Does Formula 41 Extreme Works for Men?
A 2015-05-25: Extreme Schichtarbeit ?? und Erklärung ...
A 2014-02-27: extreme colloquial
A 2013-09-13: As it is, I had had my fill of hedonism, so extreme asceticism was not my thing.
A 2013-09-12: I had practised hedonism to excess, extreme asceticism hadn't even crossed...
A 2013-09-06: Varianten: wild beschützerisch - extreme / wilde Schutzbereitschaft
A 2013-05-16: A "sudden rage" can be contained internally, with no outward signs of extr...
A 2013-04-06: An extreme form of ecstacy.
Q 2012-12-16: extreme Umzüge?
A 2011-10-12: Why so extreme?
A 2011-03-02: well I'm not sure whether it's quite as extreme as that
A 2010-08-18: PLEASE: Handle those words with extreme care!

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