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English-German translation for: eye
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Dictionary English German: eye

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NOUN   an eye | eyes/eyen [archaic]
VERB  to eye | eyed | eyed ... 
SYNO   to eye | to eyeball | eye | oculus ... 
eye {adj} [attr.] [e.g. colour, socket, clinic, witness]
Augen- [z. B. Farbe, Höhle, Klinik, Zeuge]
to eye sb./sth.
jdn./etw. betrachten [mustern]
to eye sb./sth.
jdn./etw. beäugen
to eye sb./sth.
jdn./etw. beaugapfeln [hum.]
to eye sb./sth.jdn./etw. kritisch anschauen [musternd, begutachtend]
to eye sb./sth.nach jdm./etw. schielen
to eye sb./sth.jdn./etw. im Auge haben
to eye sb./sth.jdn./etw. im Visier haben
to eye sb./sth.jdn./etw. ins Auge fassen [Redewendung]
to eye sb./sth.seinen Blick auf jdn./etw. richten
to eye sth. [rare] [to provide something, e.g. a needle, with an eye]etw.Akk. öhren [selten] [Nadel]
anat. zool. eye [Oculus]
Auge {n}
meteo. eye [of a storm]
Auge {n}
eye [of a needle]
Nadelöhr {n}
eye [metal loop]
Öse {f}
eye [act of looking]
Blick {m}
eye [of a needle or tool]
Öhr {n}
Knospe {f}
anat. zool. eye
Oculus {m}
gastr. eye [cheese, esp. Emmental]
Loch {n} [Käse, bes. Emmentaler]
eye [loop of a rope]Auge {n} [Seilschlinge z. B. beim Schlagen eines Knotens]
hunting eye [of game animal]Licht {n} [Auge des Haarwildes]
cosmet. eyelinerEye-Liner {m} [Rsv.]
redpill [coll.] [also: red-pill, red pill] [fact, argument, news etc. as eye-opener figuratively] [term of the political right]Eye-Opener {m} [ugs.] [wörtlich: Augenöffner] [Tatsache, Argument, das Betrachtungsweisen ändern kann]
2 Words: Others
Bull's eye!Volltreffer!
Bull's-eye! [fig.]Genau getroffen!
eye-catching {adj}auffallend
eye-catching {adj}auffällig
eye-catching {adj}ins Auge fallend
eye-catching {adj}ins Auge springend
eye-catching {adj} [design etc.]plakativ
eye-catching {adj} [e.g. logo]prägnant [ins Auge springend, einprägsam]
mineral. eye-clean {adj} [without visible inclusions]augenrein [ohne sichtbare Einschlüsse]
eye-friendly {adj}augenfreundlich
eye-friendly {adj}augenschonend
med. eye-healthy {adj}augengesund
eye-minded {adj}visuell [vorwiegend mit Gesichtssinn begabt]
eye-opening {adj}aufschlussreich
eye-opening {adj}erhellend
eye-popping {adj}spektakulär
eye-popping {adj} [coll.]staunenerregend
med. optics eye-related {adj}augenbedingt
eye-rolling {adj} {pres-p}augenrollend
eye-rollingly {adv}die Augen verdrehend
eye-shaped {adj}augenförmig
eye-watering {adj} [extremely high] [of figures, amounts etc.]horrend [sehr hoch] [Zahlen, Kosten, Beträge, etc.]
idiom My eye! [coll.] [dated]Von wegen! [ugs.]
2 Words: Verbs
to avoid sb.'s eyejds. Blick meiden
to black sb.'s eyejds. Auge blau schlagen
to blacken sb.'s eyejdm. ein blaues Auge schlagen
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A 2024-01-04: To Uffieee too, and her woolly eye patch.
Q 2020-05-17: eye poke, eye jab, eye stab, eye strike or poke in the eye
A 2020-01-24: irgendwas mit eye-opening?
Q 2019-09-11: Wegnehmen des Subjects, z. B. "sports" bei Hawk-Eye® (system)
Q 2019-05-12: sock in the eye
A 2019-03-14: https://www.last.fm/de/music/Private+Eye/_/Harold+Wislon+(Sic)+Christmas+Message
Q 2018-11-30: to take an eye out on
Q 2018-04-12: that occurs in the "eye" of a wake up call
A 2017-02-20: Sorry, my mistake. Lending half an eye wasn't good enough. --- The pluper...
A 2017-01-03: orange eye butterflybush/butterfly bush/butterfly-bush [Buddleja davidii]
A 2016-02-09: https://www.google.de/#q=%22Autronic+eye%22
A 2015-12-31: A mixture of the two - I cannot look him in the eye.
A 2015-12-31: @jbak: Why is Silberblilck (squint, cross-eye) a complimetary term in German?
A 2015-12-30: Perhaps something in this article will catch your eye.
Q 2015-12-07: sleep with one eye open
A 2015-08-16: Eye candy
A 2015-08-15: +eye candy+ has an American flavour
A 2015-08-15: Dass *eye candy* sich NUR auf Menschen bezieht, ist aus den WB-Definitione...
A 2015-08-15: Falls es *ausschließlich* um Äußerlichkeiten geht, passt eye candy mE.
A 2015-06-14: ... we caught each +other's+ eye ... (apostrophe!)

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