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English-German translation for: facade
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Dictionary English German: facade

Translation 1 - 50 of 93  >>

English German
NOUN   a facade | facades
SYNO   facade | frontage | frontal ... 
façade [spv.] [also fig.]
Fassade {f} [auch fig.]
facade [also fig.]
Fassade {f} [auch fig.]
mus. façade [of an organ] [spv.] [facade]
Prospekt {m} [österr. auch {n}] [einer Orgel]
façade [spv.] [pose]Gepose {n} [ugs.]
2 Words: Nouns
constr. aluminium facade [Br.]Aluminiumfassade {f}
constr. aluminum facade [Am.]Aluminiumfassade {f}
archi. constr. brick façadeZiegelfassade {f}
archi. building facadeGebäudefassade {f}
archi. cathedral façade [spv.]Kathedralfassade {f}
archi. church facadeKirchenfassade {f}
archi. classical facadeklassische Fassade {f}
archi. constr. clinker facadeKlinkerfassade {f}
archi. constr. concrete facadeBetonfassade {f}
pol. democratic facadedemokratische Fassade {f}
archi. east facadeOstfassade {f}
archi. east façade [spv.]Ostfassade {f}
exterior facadeAußenfassade {f}
external facadeAußenfassade {f}
archi. facade applicationFassadenapplikation {f}
archi. façade architectureFassadenarchitektur {f}
constr. facade claddingAußenwandbekleidung {f} [fachspr.] [Außenwandverkleidung]
constr. facade claddingFassadenbekleidung {f}
pol. facade democracyFassadendemokratie {f}
archi. facade designFassadengestaltung {f}
archi. façade design [spv.]Fassadengestaltung {f}
archi. facade detailFassadendetail {n}
archi. façade detailFassadendetail {n}
archi. façade element [spv.]Fassadenelement {n}
archi. constr. facade elevatorFassadenaufzug {m}
constr. facade greeneryFassadenbegrünung {f}
facade greeningFassadenbegrünung {f}
constr. facade insulationFassadendämmung {f}
facade investigationFassadenuntersuchung {f}
constr. façade module [also: facade module]Fassadenmodul {n}
archi. constr. façade orientationFassadenausrichtung {f}
facade paintFassadenfarbe {f}
facade paintingFassadenmalerei {f}
archi. constr. facade planning [façade planning]Fassadenplanung {f}
facade preservativeFassadenimprägnierung {f}
constr. facade renovationFassadensanierung {f}
constr. facade shingleFassadenschindel {f}
archaeo. façade tombs [spv.] [e.g. at Petra]Fassadengräber {pl}
archi. façade wallFrontmauer {f}
archi. flying facade [false front]Blendfassade {f}
front facadeAußenfassade {f}
archi. front facadeFrontfassade {f}
archi. front facadeVorderfassade {f}
archi. front façade [spv.]Frontfassade {f}
archi. front façade [spv.]Vorderfassade {f}
archi. constr. garden façadeGartenfassade {f}
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A 2021-03-01: five-bay façade > fünfachsige Fassade
Q 2011-01-03: cosmopolitan facade cut down to size
Q 2010-10-21: Wie kann ich sagen auf Deutsch "the company is a sham or façade"? "die Ges...
A 2010-02-27: The enormity of +facade+ for +façade+ is another of my pet hates.
A 2009-03-13: Whatever it is, please spell +façade+
A 2008-11-05: ? So (oder thus), in 1958, the modern S building itself was hidden behind ...
A 2008-04-03: Que facade, facade, whatever will be, will be
A 2007-12-10: Articulation of the building's main section intensified development around...
A 2007-12-07: I never write façade without the squiggly on the bottom of the "c" ;-))
A 2007-12-07: peforated façade, actually
A 2007-12-07: perforated facade
A 2006-11-29: technical translation: facade worker
A 2006-08-04: pipe fields / flats and towers / groups of façade pipes / groups of displa...
A 2006-08-01: eingenutet ~ genutet > fluted (column), grooved (basement / façade)
A 2004-03-23: you can put on a stoic front, facade, face, smile, expression
A 2004-03-22: For cost reasons, the planned black granite facade had to be replaced by b...
A 2004-01-16: glass façade

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