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English-German translation for: fact
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Dictionary English German: fact

Translation 1 - 50 of 305  >>

English German
NOUN   a fact | facts
Fakt {m} [auch {n}]
Tatsache {f}
Gegebenheit {f}
Umstand {m}
Realität {f}
Faktum {n} [geh.]
Moment {n} [Faktor, Umstand]
2 Words: Others
fact-based {adj}tatsachenbasiert
fact-based {adj}tatsachenbezogen
fact-bound {adj}sachlich
fact-finding {adj}untersuchend
fact-free {adj}faktenfrei
fact-laden {adj}faktenschwer [geh.]
fact-related {adj}sachverwandt
in fact {adv}ja
in fact {adv}sogar
in fact {adv}de facto
in fact {adv}in Wirklichkeit
in fact {adv} [idiom]eigentlich
in fact {adv} [idiom]tatsächlich
in fact {adv} [idiom]vielmehr
in fact [idiom]und zwar
in fact {adv} [idiom]in der Tat [Redewendung]
In fact, ... [idiom]Genau genommen ...
2 Words: Verbs
to fact-check sth.etw. auf Fakten überprüfen
to fact-find sth.etw. erforschen
2 Words: Nouns
accepted factakzeptierte Tatsache {f}
accomplished factvollendete Tatsache {f}
another facteine weitere Tatsache {f}
econ. basic factAusgangstatsache {f}
clear factaugenscheinliche Tatsache {f}
conceded factzugegebene Tatsache {f}
law connecting factAnknüpfungstatsache {f}
elementary factGrundtatsache {f}
philos. empirical factErfahrungstatsache {f}
established factfeststehende Tatsache {f}
established factverbürgte Tatsache {f}
fact bookSachbuch {n}
journ. fact checkerFaktenchecker {m} [auch: Fakten-Checker] [ugs.]
film RadioTV fact film [Am.]Dokumentarfilm {m}
fact findFaktenfund {m}
fact findingTatsachenfeststellung {f}
fact findingUntersuchung {f}
fact findingErforschung {f} des Sachverhalts
fact findingFeststellung {f} der Tatsachen
law fact patternSachverhalt {m}
fact questionFrage {f} nach Fakten
law Unverified fact scenarioSachverhalt {m}
fact sheetDatenblatt {n}
fact sheetMerkblatt {n}
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A 2024-04-18: In fact, there are numerous hits from UK gov't websites. Definitely not en...
A 2023-10-09: In fact, it has its own Merriam Webster entry:
A 2023-04-18: In fact, just an optical delusions app, isn't it?
A 2023-04-17: In fact, this blog post argues the exact opposite.
A 2023-04-17: Don't really know if that is a fact or not, certainly not something I've e...
Q 2022-01-28: associated in fact
A 2020-11-20: As a matter of fact, +political engagement+ scores no more than 185 Google hits
A 2020-11-17: Possibly +annoyance scandal,+ given the fact that +harassment+ currently i...
A 2019-04-16: That does not matter. Fact is that some people may find natural beauty fe...
Q 2018-07-28: to admit to the fact(s) but not to the charge
A 2017-12-27: ... +data ... some of which point to the very likely fact that Mars once h...
Q 2017-11-04: unreviewable finding of fact?
A 2017-09-20: Held against the fact that only those are initiated into his essay who are...
A 2017-08-10: In fact,
A 2017-03-22: On the other hand, even academically I hear +Balls!+ much more often than ...
A 2017-03-13: Yeah, but, in fact, it is more than just a recommendation.
A 2016-09-23: PS: As a matter of fact, the +Maischbottich+ given by Langenscheidt ought ...
A 2016-08-22: In fact, one may also refer to a single +trait+ / Charaktermerkmal ...
A 2016-07-15: ... so it is probable that a demand which targets this fact would be grant...
A 2016-06-02: Funny fact:

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